
You're willing to forgive, forget and move on. That doesn't mean you should trust someone who has betrayed you. Establish a firm boundary with a person who keeps trying to take advantage of your generosity. There are plenty of people who will accept help without bleeding you dry. When times are tough for you, these friends will come to your rescue. The time has come to take a hard look at your friendships. Be honest about each person's character.

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You secretly enjoy sending shock waves through your social circle. This can be done by dating a wild rebel, taking an unusual job or making some offbeat artwork. It doesn't matter how you choose to rage against this machine. The important thing is to defy societal expectations. In the past, you worried what others thought of you. Now you realise the important thing is to be true to yourself. Follow your own moral code. If others object, that's their problem.

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Becoming a pillar of the community should be easy for a social butterfly like you. Tap into your extensive social network if you want to run for office or spearhead a campaign. Making your neighbourhood a better place to live will be an exciting challenge. You'll enjoy creating beautiful places and helpful programs for people in the area. Soon you will find people will want to know your secret. You can attribute virtually all your success to superior communication skills.

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Exercising your independence is critical. Normally, you think about the impact of your decisions on everyone else. Now you have to make a split second decision. Don't be afraid to choose the path of self interest. Going on a trip or writing a book will take time away from relationships. That can't be helped. You have a rare opportunity to realise your heart's desire. Let your nearest and dearest fend for themselves while you're busy. This temporary absence can actually strengthen relationships.

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Let down your defences with someone special. If you're afraid of failure, talk about your fears with your best friend or romantic partner. They'll listen carefully and offer invaluable advice. You shouldn't let anxiety keep you from making a bold move. The chance to embark on a love affair or embrace a different lifestyle is beckoning. Turning your back on this opportunity will be a serious source of regret. Summon your courage. Join forces with someone who wants the best for you.

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A partnership will bolster your self esteem. Stop insisting on going solo. By enlisting the aid of your best friend, romantic partner or business associate, you can zip through work like a hot knife through butter. Don't dwell on small mistakes. Your tendency to criticise can seriously undermine things. Instead of exclaiming over a small problem nobody else will notice, offer praise and thanks. This will motivate your partner to work harder. In time, your operation will run like a well oiled machine.

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Keeping busy gives you an attractive glow. If you're experiencing a lull at work, offer to help someone who is overwhelmed. It's important to forge strong bonds with colleagues from every level of the company. You never know who will be in a position to help you later. If you're suffering from a minor ache or pain, think about getting some holistic therapy. Acupressure, massage therapy and homeopathy are all avenues worth exploring. Think about your mind, body, spirit and emotions.

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You believe in yourself, no matter what others think. This gives you the courage to take risks. Entering a contest will be fun. You'll enjoy having your work compared and contrasted with other talented people. Don't be upset if you don't win the top prize. You'll be able to reach the top of your game with more practice. Your self confidence is incredibly attractive. Several admirers are clamouring for your attention, but you'll probably prefer to go solo right now. Solitude is glorious.

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Powerful feelings make you uncomfortable. You prefer to laugh off problems rather than dwell on them. Don't make light of a serious situation that demands your attention. Helping a struggling family member will require preparation. At times, making these preparations will be overwhelming. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Other relatives will come to your aid, but only if you ask. It's not fair to expect you to do all the work by yourself. Share the burden with others in your clan.

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It's easy to change direction. If you feel blue, listen to some upbeat music or watch an inspiring movie. Suddenly, the problems you face will seem relatively minor. Boredom can be alleviated by taking an interesting course. Learning a foreign language, taking up a musical instrument or acquiring marketable skills will pose an enjoyable challenge. You're tired of carrying out the same old routine. Fortunately, it is in your power to explore greener pastures. Take control of your destiny.

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This is a great time to go shopping. You'll find some clothes, furniture or artwork that seems tailor made to your taste. Don't worry about spending more money than usual. The things you buy will give you years of pleasure. If you're looking for work, volunteer at a charitable organisation that is close to your heart. This will lead to a paying position that is emotionally fulfilling. You're tired of dead end jobs that leave you cold. It's time to move in a more rewarding direction.

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Your strong willed and assertive. Take this opportunity to go after your dreams. If it means elbowing your way to the front of the queue, so be it. Sometimes you have to be aggressive when there is lots of competition. In the past, devious people took advantage of your kindness. Don't let them gain the upper hand this time, when your happiness is at stake. You have the ability to land a creative assignment. Getting paid to exercise your imagination will be empowering.

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