
Spending time with family is reassuring. You're not ready for a change, but it will be foisted on you anyway. Ask for comfort when panic sets in. Crying on a relative's shoulder will be cathartic. Usually when you feel anxious, you pour your energy into physical exercise. That won't be the case now, when you're too tired to move. Your loved ones will be glad to comfort you for a change. Letting down your defences will draw you closer to your nearest and dearest.

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You're great at finding short cuts. Normally, you prefer working at a leisurely pace. That won't be an option with a tight deadline looming. Fortunately, you have a lot of help at your disposal. Enlist the aid of your friends, neighbours and colleagues to attend various duties. Working as part of a big team feels comforting. The feeling of isolation that recently has been dogging you will vanish into thin air. These people could become the staff of a future business.

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Making your home more comfortable will cost a significant amount of money. Treat this as an investment in your future happiness. Being able to entertain people in style will increase your professional stature. Give careful thought to creating an inviting gathering space. Having the means to feed and house guests will raise your stature as a leader. People will start thinking of you as a generous host who knows how to attend to others' needs. This will be a confidence building experience.

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You wear your heart on your sleeve. Finding a spiritually satisfying project will fill you with optimism. Visiting a place that has captivated your imagination since childhood would be wise. You might have to spend more money than you expected, but the extra expense will be worth it. You're not the type who enjoys roughing it. Comfortable surroundings will increase your enjoyment of this trip. Don't let a manipulative relative make you feel guilty about indulging yourself.

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Fighting for the rights of the underdog is worth your time. You're tired of watching bullies get their way all the time. Standing up to these abusers will cause others to come to your aid. You may not realise it, but people look to you for leadership. If you declare something is unfair, the rest of the world will take up your cause. It feels good to use your charisma to rally the troops and challenge the status quo. You have the potential to make a real difference, use it wisely.

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Spending time with friends will help you loosen up. You've been so caught up in responsibilities that you have lost your zest for living. Take a few steps back from your duties and have some laughs. Adopting an upbeat attitude will help you cope with stress. Contrary to popular belief, relaxation will improve your work performance, not detract from it. If you're overwhelmed, ask your business or romantic partner to pitch in and take some duties off your plate.

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A strong work ethic helps you land a promotion or prominent job. Be willing to put in long hours and attend boring meetings. Eventually, all your sacrifices will give you a greater measure of independence. Everybody needs to pay their dues. If you're put in charge of a big project, be willing to delegate small jobs to a capable assistant. Resist the urge to check on their progress every few minutes. Getting out of their way will give you more time to attend to your own responsibilities.

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Throw caution to the wind and venture into unfamiliar territory. Acquiring new skills and qualifications will put you ahead of the competition and exercise your grey cells. You're tired of the same old routines. Attaining expert status will open doors for you personally and professionally. Are you single? You might meet someone interesting on the path to advancement. Keep your eyes open for an idealist whose quirky ways fascinate you. The two of you may share a psychic bond.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're tired of wasting emotion on a person who is always courting danger. Instead of leaping to this troublemaker's rescue, concentrate on your own needs. Nobody will dare accuse you of selfishness. You have a solid reputation for championing good causes. Have you been thinking about buying a home? A generous relative could give you the money for a deposit. If you have your own place, this would be a good time to build an addition or upgrade the kitchen.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Serving the needs of a business or romantic partner is strongly advised. As a general rule, you call the shots. By assuming a supporting role, you'll bring welcome balance to your relationship. Resist the urge to question your friend's choices. Showing respect for their judgement will bolster your partner's confidence and draw you closer together. It will also help to acknowledge the contributions that are often overlooked. Everyone needs to feel appreciated.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Making your home clean and orderly will be a welcome diversion from work. Normally, you couldn't care less about your domestic surroundings. Once you start clearing the place of clutter, you'll become more invested. Clean surfaces and spare furnishings will help energy flow more easily throughout the space. If you have to hold on to some paperwork, think about renting a storage facility. That way, all these records can be easily accessed without getting underfoot.

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Following your creative instincts will be rewarding. Sometimes, you get so caught up in work and domestic responsibility that you neglect your artistic side. Don't make that mistake now, when your imagination is on fire. Launching a painting or design project will be exhilarating and set you thinking on new lines. If you're single, hitch your star to someone with warmth and glamour. The two of you will make a great couple. Are you in a relationship? Plan a romantic evening for two.

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