
Suppressing anger could cause trouble at home; it's best to lay your cards on the table. You need to tell a relative or roommate that you're bothered by their behaviour. If you live alone, you may feel isolated. Adopting a pet or filling your place with plants can lift your spirits. When you come home to a calm oasis, you won't fall prey to depression. You can alter your mood by transforming your surroundings.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You long to rest and relax at home, especially since things are so muddled at work. Be as professional as possible with an authority figure with unclear goals. Although this person wears on your last nerve, you can't afford to displease your boss. If your frustration starts to mount, head for the gym. The best way to release stress is through physical activity. Getting in shape will boost your self-esteem.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Beware of giving somebody the wrong idea by making flirtatious remarks. This person may not understand you're just playing around. Hanging around a friend who has money to burn can be extremely annoying. It seems as though your pal takes their blessings for granted. Try getting some distance from your pal, if only to put your own situation into perspective. If you're short of cash, you need to make some changes.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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It feels as though an authority figure is stealing your thunder. Your tired of having other people take all the credit for your best ideas. Going into business for yourself is a possible remedy and while it may be difficult to get money from lending institutions, that doesn't mean you should give up on your dream. Look for alternate sources of funding. Look into getting a government grant of some kind.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You expect plenty of love and affection from your family and friends. That may not be possible today, as people are wrapped up in their own problems. If you feel hurt and neglected, it's probably because you've placed too many demands on your loved ones. Ask if there is anything you can do to make their life easier. A distant relative or in-law may be underplaying the seriousness of their condition.

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You've got a sneaking suspicion that all is not well in the workplace. It may be a good idea to look elsewhere for employment, just as a safeguard. If you have been unfilled in your current position, think about what you can do to find a career that reflects your true interests. Turn a deaf ear to pessimists who feel that the job market is utterly hopeless or you could miss out on a golden opportunity.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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It may feel as though you're more appreciated at work than you are at home. Perhaps that's because you've been too modest about your accomplishments. Alternatively, your romantic partner could be jealous of your success, and is trying to undermine your confidence. Is this relationship really worth your time? If you're single, it may be because potential suitors are intimidated. Try to soften your image, and keep discussions about career to a minimum.

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Don't lord your power over colleagues who aren't as important as you. It's important to make friends with people at all levels. You never know when you'll need a little extra help. Besides, work will be much more pleasant when you contribute to a friendly atmosphere. If you're looking for a job, you may have to lower your standards a bit. There's no shame at taking a few steps back. Things will improve.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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If you don't understand something, you've got to ask for clarification and explanation or you could make a serious mistake. It's not easy to ask for help, particularly since your instructor has poor communication skills. Is it possible this person is harbouring romantic feelings towards you? No matter, there is a job to be done. Keep your conversations as brief and pointed as possible or the confusion will continue.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A colleague or romantic partner is pulling a power play. Don't pretend you are immune to their behaviour. It's better to confront the matter now, while you still have respect for this person. Hidden resentments can slowly poison even the healthiest relationships. If you feel you've gone past the point of reconciliation, you've got to cut ties now. Separate your finances as soon as possible. Investigate your rights.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A close relationship may be more troubled than you realise. It's important to keep an eye open for subtle clues. If a lover or workmate seems distant, it may be because he or she is unhappy. Try to get the bottom of the matter. A heart-to-heart talk will reveal some surprising information and while you may be forced to face some painful truths, that's better than being kept in the dark.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Beware of lending precious objects to lovers or children, or you could regret it. Even though you've always valued people more than possessions, you still have a sentimental attachment to certain items. This is also not a good time to give expensive presents. You may be using these gifts to compensate for something you regret. Such gestures send the wrong message. If you're truly sorry, you should change your behaviour.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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