
Attempting to change established patterns could seem like an impossible task. If others have fallen into comfortable routines they won't welcome in newcomers who want to rock the boat. Procedures that work should not be changed for the sake of it. Why push against a system that flows well and has few, if any, problems? Only when people ask for it should you be ready with alternative ideas and suggestions.

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No matter how tiresome the situation becomes, hold on to your patience. Objections to your ideas will get you down. You're tempted to keep some plans secret so you don't have to put up with someone's hostile reactions. Avoiding hostility helps you stay calm and think clearly too. If being open in your dealings seems to invite complaints and disapproval, your best strategy probably is to be more secretive!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Give details when required and clarify points that others can't understand. Be ready to explain your ideas and carefully spell out what you want from those around you. Put it in plain words if you're communicating with anyone who speaks a different language. The only way to avoid misunderstandings is to go over the same thing repeatedly until your words are understood. Good communication will help you sail through any little muddles with greater ease.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Tension in a close relationship could be due to you both saying what you think the other wants to hear. What you should be doing is saying exactly what's on your mind! It might feel as if you've lost control of your life. You're making it a priority to please someone who never seems happy. If no matter what you do they find something to complain about, consider the possibility you just aren't meant to be together.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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By refusing to be there the next time a needy friend turns to you; you are forcing them to deal with their own problems. It will hurt you as much as it does them to have to watch someone struggle but sometimes you've got to be cruel to be kind. They're repeating the same mistakes because they know you will step in and sort it all out. Forcing others to deal with the consequences of their actions will be a lesson they will never forget.

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There's a restless need to break new ground and this might take you by surprise. You didn't expect to grow bored with a situation so quickly. No one will object because they too feel the same way but have been keeping quiet about it. This brings you a degree of relief as it means you aren't just making changes to suit and please yourself but others too will benefit from your ideas.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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It seems as if wherever you go and whatever you do a new friend injects themselves into your plans. You wouldn't mind if you enjoyed their company but you've come across someone who seems to assume you want their friendship when you don't! You're too polite to tell them how you feel but until you do, they're going try to take over parts of your life which worked very well until they came along!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A senior colleague is cleverly manoeuvring you into a position where you will feel obliged to go along with their plans. Promises of a promotion, more pay or fringe benefits that come from taking on a new position make it a big temptation. What you are reluctant to admit is you don't feel good about the situation and intuitively you sense it isn't as good as it looks. Trust your instincts and keep out of it.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The past has a habit of catching up with you sooner or later as you will find out today. A secret isn't a secret once it is shared. Someone you trusted lets you down by passing on confidential information. You needed someone to talk to but it seems like you chose the wrong person. You won't ever trust them again but what could surprise you is they've actually done you a favour. Some matters will be easier to handle, now they're out in the open!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You appreciate thoroughness but waiting for someone to get a job done will be like watching paint dry. You can't get on until they complete some intricate tasks but you feel they're deliberately taking their time about it. You're tempted to try to hurry them along but you really don't want to annoy anyone. For now, they have the upper hand and there's very little you can do about it so bide your time, your chance will come.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're the only person left who is willing to keep working at a problem until it is finally laid to rest. Because this exercise is proving harder than anyone anticipated, some people just can't seem to be bothered to stick at it. You're disappointed by a friend or colleague's lack of stamina; you had expected more from them, but it looks as if you're on your own and it's going to be up to you to turn the situation round.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you're setting boundaries you must also be prepared to enforce them. Let others know you mean business. Someone will find it amusing to test you by going against your wishes. Keep the ultimatums to a minimum and be sure to follow through with the consequences should anyone challenge you to keep your word. Changes occurring in your relationships will lead you to reassess your priorities. It's not going to be a very relaxed day when a loved one is in such a temperamental mood.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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