
Everything is coming up roses. You'll have an opportunity to travel to a glamorous location on business. Make sure your passport is up to date and double check your reservations. The last thing you want is to be stopped at the airport because of a bureaucratic problem. Once you're on your way, you'll feel revitalised. You'll be determined to visit all the best restaurants, shops and places of historic interest. After performing your work responsibilities, you'll be free to enjoy exciting nights on the town.

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A passionate relationship causes you to change your priorities. Instead of spending every last minute at work, you'll devote most of your time to your amour. Colleagues will start wondering what has happened to you. They won't be able to convince you to perform the thankless duties they've been palming off on you. Don't be defensive when people accuse you of laziness. These who work with you know the true scope of your contributions. If anyone is going to be dismissed, it's the people who have been riding on your coattails.

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Enhancing your looks will open doors for you. Although you're not especially vain, you do like attention. Wearing things that flatter your natural good looks will turn heads. If you're not sure how to improve your appearance, talk to a stylish Libra you've always admired. They'll be able to point you to the colours, clothes and accessories that suit you. Once you learn the basics on how to dress, you'll be able to assemble a wardrobe that makes you radiate confidence.

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You're busy with fulfilling tasks. You enjoy finding ways to make life comfortable for yourself and others. Taking a job in a glamorous industry will suit you perfectly. Treat clients like royalty, no matter what position they hold in society. When customers feel special, they'll return to you again and again. This level of loyalty is rare in business. Your superiors notice how successful you are with the public and will offer you an intriguing new role. At that point, you'll be able to show off your leadership ability.

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A romance is heating up. It feels wonderful to be with someone who admires everything you do. When you're with your amour, you feel like you can move mountains. Use your confidence to pursue an artistic or even a theatrical hobby. Auditioning for a role, taking up a musical instrument or even trying your hand at a screenplay are all among the possibilities. Having a life that is separate from your relationship is important. It's easy to be loving and giving when you're doing something you enjoy on a regular basis.

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You can't expect your best friend or romantic partner to fill an emotional void. To cultivate happiness, you must change your priorities and rearrange your schedule. Instead of carrying out thankless tasks that are expected of you, delegate these jobs to others. Fill in your free time with activities you enjoy, whether it's cooking, gardening or writing. Get into the habit of meeting regularly with people who make you laugh. Break ties with people who are always undermining your confidence.

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Having a masterplan is critical to realising your dreams. At times, you prefer imagining your ideal life than pursuing it. This attitude is self-defeating. You have greater control than you realise. It doesn't matter whether you want a dream career, a romantic partner or a prominent name in the arts. The important thing is to break down a lofty ambition into achievable steps. This could be anything as simple as applying for positions in your desired field to posting a profile on a dating website to taking an art class.

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Your financial situation is improving, although you're still worried about paying the bills. The sooner you put your faith in the abundant Universe, the faster you will attract moneymaking opportunities. A demanding person is one of the reasons you feel strapped for cash. Stop being so quick to cover the expenses of a romantic partner or child. There's no reason you should buy everything they want. Your amour can earn the funds for the baubles they crave, while someone younger should learn they can't always get what they want.

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Money is coming your way, allowing you to pay for some luxuries. Take this opportunity to book a trip you've been longing to take for years. Your family won't support this expenditure, demanding you spend more time at home. They don't understand your need to travel and explore. Instead of feeling guilty about this break, go with an open and happy heart. Bring back souvenirs to people who will appreciate them. You shouldn't be shamed for having needs that are different from everyone else in your tribe.

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Working with a partner from behind the scenes will be rewarding. You'll acquire valuable skills from collaborating with this individual. You're cautious by nature. This inhibits you from expressing your creative side. These blocks will disappear when you're with someone whose spontaneous energy is infectious. Slowly but surely, you'll begin trusting your instincts. This will allow you to reach professional heights you never dreamed possible. Stop telling yourself you are not creative.

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Listen to a friend's advice about a relationship. You have a tendency to keep your thoughts to yourself. Displays of emotion make you uncomfortable. If you don't show affection for your nearest and dearest, they'll feel neglected. Get into the habit of saying thank you, giving gifts and bestowing hugs. At first, you'll feel hypocritical. When you see what an enthusiastic response you get for these gestures, these gestures will come more easily. Like anything else, being a good romantic partner takes practice.

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Take pleasure in your accomplishments. You've always been a highly sensitive person who takes the time to know others. As a result, you've been able to create products and services that are highly popular with underserved members of the community. Instead of catering to the rich and powerful, you prefer to focus on the needs of the marginalised members of society. As a result, you've accumulated an impressive following. Don't be surprised when you're given a prize, promotion or award.

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