
Love, adventure and fun are coming your way. Put work on the back burner. There will be plenty of time to attend to mundane chores later. Right now, you have a rare opportunity to enjoy a romantic interlude. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a sporting event, movie or nightclub. Show them you're interested and leave the rest to them. Are you already in a relationship? Treat your amour to a glamorous night on the town. This will pave the way to passion.

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Entertaining at home appeals to your caring nature. You love creating a festive, relaxed environment for your friends and family. Go ahead and spend a little more money than usual on food and drink. Your guests will appreciate all the care you have taken. Being surrounded by your nearest and dearest will put professional problems in proper perspective. There are more important things than occupying a corner office. Loving relationships will sustain you through good times and bad.

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Visiting a cosmopolitan city is in the cards. You'll welcome an opportunity to shop, see some shows and visit museums. An engaged and interesting person like you needs lots of intellectual stimulation to thrive. If you've been thinking about moving to a livelier area, this is a good time to do so. Give careful thought to the best neighbourhood for you. You want enough activity to stay engaged, but sufficient privacy to relax. Finding a happy medium is possible, as long as you search carefully.

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Spending money on your family and home is a good idea. You work hard so your loved ones can relax and enjoy life. Coming home to a place that is comfortable and beautiful lifts your spirits. If you've been yearning to upgrade appliances and furniture, this is the time to do so. You could also find some beautiful artwork to adorn the tables and walls. Lobbying for a raise could give you an even bigger budget with which to work. Schedule a talk with your boss as soon as possible.

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Your star power is evident to everyone. Take this opportunity to audition for a role, interview for a job or go on a first date. You're sure to make a fabulous impression on everyone you meet. Showcasing your handiwork is also a good idea. If you play your cards right, you could earn a lot of money by selling the fruits of your labour to a boutique or specialty store. When it comes to business ventures, know that your reputation is what attracts clients. Put your name on the logo.

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You're much stronger than most people realise. When a hidden enemy comes forward to challenge you, they'll be in for a nasty surprise. You don't shy away from conflict. Defend your work and challenge unfair assertions. Soon, friends, neighbours and colleagues will rally to your side. Over the years, you've helped so many people in practical ways. These people haven't forgotten your sacrifices and will do everything in their power to help you. Be gracious and receptive to their assistance.

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Friendships with influential people will make a difficult situation much easier. Don't hesitate to ask these loved ones to guide you through a difficult process. Whether you're dealing with financial, relationship or career problems, there is help available. Today you're in a sociable mood. Attend as many parties and professional gatherings as you possibly can. Introduce yourself to strangers. You never know who is in the position to be an advocate. Never underestimate the importance of knowing people in high places.

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You could be offered a job that will make you spend more time in the public eye. Although you're not comfortable being in the spotlight, you do enjoy being recognised for your accomplishments. Focus on polishing your professional image. Being able to work well with the public will increase your success. Working with a coach can help you overcome shyness. When you learn how to perform to an audience, it won't seem that intimidating. You might actually enjoy giving talks and presentations. Stranger things have happened. It's time to branch out.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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People seek out your expertise. It pleases you to be in demand. If you get a chance to teach a course, grab it, even if the position doesn't pay much. As you gain experience, you'll be able to charge more and more for your services. Soon, you might even be able to become a full time instructor or tutor. Students enjoy your flexibility. When one teaching method isn't successful, you'll try another until the light bulbs finally flash on. It's a gift.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's a good time to make financial plans. Paying off a debt, taking out an insurance policy and making a will are all good avenues to explore. You have all the strength and resolve necessary to cope with these necessities of life. Putting off these matters will only cause unwanted stress. If you're out of your depth, talk to someone who has experience with these matters. Having an expert on whom to rely can be comforting. Ultimately, the important decisions are up to you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Two heads are better than one. If you're overwhelmed, ask your best friend, business or romantic partner for help. They'll be happy to pitch in. Too often, you wave away assistance, insisting on doing things alone. Although you don't intend to alienate your nearest and dearest, that's what you are doing. Be more open to working as a team. You'll be amazed how much warmer your relationship becomes. Everyone wants to feel needed. Give your closest confidants credit for enhancing your life, not hindering it.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Colleagues will look to you for guidance. That's because you're the only one who knows how every level of the operation works. It's time to impart this information to others. Although having this knowledge makes you powerful, it is also burdensome. You'll never get a moment's peace as long as everyone else is kept in the dark. Give a training session to a small group. That way, panic won't ensue when someone falls ill. Creating a handbook everyone can access will also be helpful.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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