
Working behind the scenes will be a welcome relief from occupying a stressful public role. Don't look on a change of assignments as a demotion. Treat it as an opportunity to acquire some new skills. An executive will appreciate your modest attitude and will ask for you to serve as their assistant. Accepting this offer will be a wonderful learning opportunity. You'll discover how to deal with demanding people and difficult situations in a professional way. Sitting in the passenger seat will be instructive.

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You'll be invited to attend a big reunion. Stop giving into your fears and reserve your place. You'll have a wonderful time reconnecting with relatives, classmates or colleagues. Doing a little time travel will make you realise just how much you've accomplished since the good old days. A modest person like you has a tendency to underplay your achievements. It's time to celebrate all the progress you have made. Your old associates will help you remember some forgotten breakthroughs.

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If you're uncomfortable at work, it's time to seek a better situation. Don't be afraid of leaving a steady position that is making you unhappy. There is a chance for you to earn a salary while being respected and appreciated. Meet with a career counsellor, update your CV and launch a job search. It will take time to find the perfect situation, so be patient. Whenever you feel discouraged, remember you are investing time in your own happiness. Your effort will pay off.

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Expand your horizons. You have a deep affection for familiar surroundings. Staying in the same place can diminish your chance to learn, grow and change. Therefore, it's important to plan a trip, take a course or embark on a creative project. If you've always wanted to make your own clothes, cook gourmet meals or learn a foreign language, now is the time to do so. Don't worry if you look foolish at first. Even the most polished professional experienced an awkward beginning stage. Venture into the unknown.

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This is a wonderful time to negotiate a favourable financial deal. Don't be afraid to make a counteroffer to a job, contract or assignment. It will be possible to get a higher salary than the one that is listed. Similarly, you can shave off a point on an interest rate to a loan or get a bigger percentage of the profits in a royalty agreement. Use your powers of persuasion to your advantage. When you're given a choice between taking a salary and earning a commission, pick the latter.

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A romantic relationship boosts your confidence. It feels wonderful being admired and desired. Take this opportunity to pursue an elusive dream. This could be anything from buying a home to moving abroad to taking up a serious course of study. With the encouragement of your partner, anything is possible. Are you single? Accept a relative's offer to set you up on a blind date. This family member knows exactly the type of person who will bring out the best in you.

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A relative could tip you off to a good job opportunity. Working in a field that offers lots of creative satisfaction will bring out the best in you. You're very good at creating an appealing, comfortable environment that puts people at ease. Make sure to emphasise this ability during an interview. Are you happy with your current position? Think about creating a product or service for a neglected segment of the community. This offering will become extremely popular.

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Starting a creative project gives your spirits a lift. It's important for you to have interests outside work and family. You can paint, play music, knit or do woodwork. It doesn't matter what your favourite medium is, as long as you give your hobby the time and attention it deserves. Don't feel compelled to talk about your interests with insensitive people. Only your closest friends may understand how important it is for you to have an artistic outlet.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Making changes to your home will be lots of fun. You can perform most domestic chores yourself, with a little help from DIY books and online tutorials. It's especially important to have a comfortable gathering spot for you and your friends. Entertaining at home allows you to connect with your nearest and dearest with a minimum of fuss. You've never been the type to stand on ceremony. Informal picnics and game nights appeal to you more than formal dinners with china, crystal and silver.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Pay a visit to someone you love. It will be nice catching up on each other's lives. Too often, you pour all your energy into work. Spending time with loved ones will be a welcome counterbalance. If you have difficulty with being spontaneous, plan a series of short trips throughout the year. This will give you the nudge you need to pack up and leave home from time to time. Getting a change of scenery always brightens your mood.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Take control of your financial situation. If you are struggling with debt, think about consolidating your loans and work with your creditor to eliminate interest payments. It's much easier to pay off a single bill than juggle several at a time. Are you in a strong position? Investing in a creative venture would be a good idea now. You can make a great deal of money by trusting your instincts. Championing a budding artist or backing a daring initiative will pay off handsomely.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're pursuing a goal that is dear to your heart. Get involved with a group that is dedicated to your favourite subject. Making friends with people who are in the field will improve your own prospects. Before you know it, you'll be studying with a respected expert. You may even be asked to act as an assistant for a prominent professional. Take any chance you can get to gain experience. The more you time you devote to this pursuit, the happier you will be.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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