
Startling news means a change of routine. You may have to work unsociable hours or find another mode of transportation. Be patient while undergoing this transition. Things that annoy you at first may be later revealed as blessings in disguise. An opportunity to acquire marketable skills or travel on business will soon arrive. Take this opportunity to expand your horizons. Exploring new ideas brings out the best in you. You'll have to make some small sacrifices along the way, so be prepared.

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You will be paid for a job, but the amount will be less than you expected. Let this be a lesson about negotiating deals in the future. Get all the terms down in black and white. Be fair when setting prices. Underselling your services will hurt your ego. It's important to be competitive when seeking work. Getting paid well for your services will give you more time for your favourite hobbies. That's incredibly important for a creative person like you. Art is integral to your happiness.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're tempted to undergo a radical transformation. Don't make any hasty decisions you will later regret. There's nothing wrong with standing apart from the crowd. The sooner you reconcile yourself for being original, the happier you will be. Besides, it's boring to follow the herd. Continue to develop your unique talents and don't apologise for having unusual opinions. Someone who admires your independent ways will confess a crush on you. It feels great to be appreciated.

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Dealing with a big bureaucracy will be frustrating, but stay focused on your goal. The sooner you get paperwork pushed through the system, the better. Be polite with everyone you encounter. Get names and contact information. If you are dealing with someone who can't help, ask to speak with their superior. The calmer you appear, the easier it will be to move up the chain of command. Give yourself a big reward when you cross this item off your list of things to do.

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A group project will come to a conclusion, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. You're tired of compromising your creative vision to a committee. Fortunately, you now have an opportunity to pursue your own work. Take this opportunity to develop your talent for art, music, writing or design. Studying with an offbeat teacher will be lots of fun. You'll be energised by their warmth and enthusiasm. Follow an impulse to put an innovative spin on a traditional form.

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Big changes are occurring on the career front. You will be asked to step in for someone who resigns quite suddenly. This position won't be permanent, but it will give you a chance to acquire some valuable experience. If you're not given a promotion as a result of your hard work, you will be able to get a better position at another company. Not only will the pay be significantly higher, but the fringe benefits will be excellent. Take full advantage of a profit sharing program.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You've been so wrapped up in routine matters that you've lost sight of the big picture. Take a few moments to survey the horizon. Take stock of things that are working for you and pursuits that are not. Break away from relationships that are stopping you fulfilling your true potential. You may decide to develop some raw talent. Studying with a respected teacher will feel threatening to certain people. Maintaining the same role simply won't be an option any longer.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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The sooner you pay a debt, the more secure you will be. It will be necessary to make some sacrifices in the short term future. Forgoing luxuries will be difficult, but you'll appreciate them even more once you're financially independent. Taking an unusual job will give you the necessary resources to satisfy these obligations. There will be an added benefit to venturing down this professional path. If your employer offers tuition reimbursement, take advantage of the program.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A close relationship is undergoing big changes. Being more assertive is critical to the health of this bond. You've always been an open minded person. While this attitude is admirable, it can also result in your ideas getting put on the back burner. If it's been a long time since you've enjoyed your favourite activities, alter your schedule. There's a good chance your best friend, business associate or romantic partner will have something to say, but don't back down. You should do the things you love.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A health matter will force you to change your routine. It's never easy to break a habit, but you have the willpower to do so. Joining a support group will be incredibly helpful. It's important to have a forum where you can vent your frustrations. Fortunately, your family will be very supportive of your choice to lead a healthier life. This may require working less and devoting more time to preparing healthy meals, getting enough sleep and taking regular exercise.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Finishing a creative project will be more difficult than you expected. You haven't had much time for artistic pursuits. Friends have commanded the lion's share of your attention. Don't let their dramas stop you expressing yourself. It may be necessary to ignore some phone calls to give your work its due. Positive feedback will give you the necessary encouragement to move forward. If anyone dares call you selfish for pursuing your dreams, so be it. You have to defend your own interests.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Family responsibilities command your attention. Unfortunately, your job is also demanding. Striking a balance between the two realms will be difficult. Enlist the help of other relatives to deal with a property matter or ailing family member. There are various schemes that could help. The prospect of applying for a high profile job is daunting, but push yourself to do it, anyway. Chances like this are few and far between. Pursue a position that will give you more independence.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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