
Dealing with the public will be highly satisfying. You're good at intuiting people's needs. Customers, clients, patrons and patients who don't know what they want work well with you. That's because you are able cut through the chatter and identify what's needed. If you work for tips or bonuses, you'll make lots of money. People are willing to pay a premium for your superior services. Put some of your hard-earned cash into a savings or retirement account. Your nest egg will grow faster than expected.

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Expanding your horizons will be great for a close relationship. At times, you tend to pour too much energy into your friends and romantic partner. This not only undermines your own success; it also upsets your nearest and dearest. They're tired of seeing you neglect your needs for their sake. Take this opportunity to enrol in university, go abroad or begin a new project. Your loved ones will be happy to pick up the slack while you're busy. When you empower yourself, it's easier to be a loving partner.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A passionate encounter boosts your courage. When you are fulfilled in your personal life, you have greater expectations of your professional existence. If you're not happy with what you are doing, make some changes. Working for a commission may be more rewarding than earning a flat salary. That's because you're a natural salesperson. You're blessed with a winning personality and you know how to identify potential customers and meet their needs. Any position involving an element of competition will be rewarding.

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Your best friend or romantic partner is urging you to make a change. Stop brushing off their advice. By ridding your life of a person or practice, you'll be much happier. You're a born leader who needs lots of freedom. Having to check in with a boss undermines your effectiveness. Being a slave to addiction keeps you from rising to the top. Take a few steps back from your routine and make an honest assessment of your life. What must change to fulfil your potential?

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Your colleagues bring out the best in you. When things go wrong, the team pulls together to correct the problems. Instead of pointing fingers, your fellow workers look for fast, efficient solutions. As a result, you'll become more confident about your own abilities. Instead of shying away from new challenges, you'll accept them with enthusiasm. There's a strong possibility you will relocate to an area that is reflective of your taste and values. It's easy to undergo a transformation when you feel appreciated and supported.

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A magnetic romantic attraction gives you a new lease on life. Instead of settling for second best, you'll strive for your heart's desire. Apply for your dream job, take up a more creative career, or aim for something more personal and intimate. The important thing is to listen to your intuition. When you become consumed with doubt, recite positive affirmations. Spend time with accomplished people who believe in your talent. Having a positive attitude is the secret to your success.

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Extensive home improvements will bring you peace of mind. You're tired of working around broken appliances, insufficient storage and dark spaces. If you're renting a place, take this opportunity to seek a more spacious abode. You'll find one where you least expect it. Don't be afraid to live in a quiet neighbourhood that's away from the hustle and bustle. You'll enjoy such a tranquil haven. Do you own your home? Explore the possibility of taking out a loan to increase the value of your investment.

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You have the power to motivate someone who hasn't been feeling well. Take this opportunity to give a relative or neighbour a pep talk. Lately, they have felt like they've made a series of bad choices. The truth is quite the opposite. Because they had the courage to go against the grain, they're being shunned. By continuing to march to the beat of their own drum, they will succeed. Tell your friend how much you agree with their choice and admire their courage.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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If you're given a choice between taking a flat salary and earning a commission, pick the latter. Getting a piece of the profits will motivate you to work smarter, not harder. Soon you'll be outperforming the competition. Use your fat royalty cheques to buy something you secretly desire, like a holiday home. Having a private retreat will help you recover from your intense social workouts. Even an extrovert like you needs some down time. A lovely place by the water is ideal for your needs.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your powerful charisma draws admirers from every corner. This is a great day to ask for favours. Whether you're applying for a loan or asking for a date, you'll get what you want just by asking. Have you been yearning to overhaul your lifestyle? Now is the time to put your plan into motion. Quitting a bad habit, moving into a more rewarding industry or moving to another part of the world are among the possibilities. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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When you work with the public, it's important to get lots of private time. Solitary pursuits like reading, communing with nature and praying will be therapeutic. Even someone who loves humanity can become drained by waiting on others. When you begin to feel irritated and annoyed, take a break. Give yourself permission to do whatever you want. Your nearest and dearest can take care of themselves while you enjoy some rest and relaxation. Do you have children? Ask a neighbour or relative to babysit while you recuperate.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Friends are highly supportive. They'll help you apply to university, compile a book or take a long-distance trip. You're a little shy about asking for assistance. That's because you're a very generous person. It's easy for you to give, but you don't have much experience receiving grace. The sooner you get over your fear of asking for what you need, the happier you will be. Most of your loved ones will jump at the chance to repay you. Turn away false pride and open your heart to abundance.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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