
Contrary to popular belief, you can really make a difference when it comes to world problems. Do some research into charitable organisations that speak to your heart. Devoting time or money to such a cause will chase away those feelings of helplessness. The fact is, every individual has the ability to relieve pain and suffering. By choosing this path, you'll be honouring your humanitarian instincts. Give yourself a gold star.

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Although you've always craved material security, this preoccupation can be a burden. Sometimes, you want to leave all of your possessions behind for a simpler, easier life and while it may be impractical to follow this impulse to the extreme, you can honour its spirit. Gather together any items that make you feel depressed, frustrated or upset. Selling or donating these things will make you feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

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Disagreements over joint finances, taxes or corporate money could be a source of strife. Resist taking a dictatorial approach to this matter, even if you are in a superior position. Lording your authority over a business associate or romantic partner will only deepen feelings of anger and resentment. Show that you are the bigger person by proposing an equitable solution. The sooner this issue is resolved, the better.

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Stop exposing yourself to stressful situations and unhealthy habits. Your body is probably sending you signals that something isn't right. Refusing to respect these signs could complicate a small problem. Consult a health professional now, while you can still remedy the situation. Reading up on holistic therapies is a good idea, as you can combine traditional medicine with time-honoured practices. A two pronged approach can't hurt.

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This isn't a good time to take gambles of any sort, especially financial or sexual ones. If you've been thinking of making a move on an attractive love interest, hold your fire. The object of your affection may be intimidated by your ardent overtures. Play it cool for the next few days. Getting involved in a game of chance could also have unfortunate consequences. You're better off keeping your money in the bank.

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You're determined to push past limitations that were imposed on you at childhood and while your resolve is admirable, it's important to be gentle with yourself. If you don't see immediate results at first, don't panic. It takes time to conquer your demons. For every effort you make, give yourself a small reward. This will make it easier to go farther on subsequent attempts. Never underestimate the power of positive reinforcement.

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A business or romantic partner may undermine your confidence. The fact is, nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. If you're really insecure about your knowledge, take a class or two. Even reading a manual or instruction book can make you feel more confident. Luckily, you're a quick study. Mastering these lessons will put you on equal footing with your associate, which will be a refreshing change.

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Nothing is more frustrating than being unable to meet a child or lover's needs. That may be the case today, though. Resist the urge to pretend that nothing is wrong. Instead, explain the situation as best you can. Your beloved will feel better once you've laid your cards on the table. Most misunderstandings occur when people avoid the truth. The sooner you demystify the situation, the stronger this relationship will become.

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Much of your behaviour is dictated by disappointments you experienced as a child. Instead of battling these demons, tune into your own heart's desire. Are there activities you want to pursue that you have avoided out of fear or shame? Start exploring these avenues today. You may find pursuing these interests are far more rewarding than defying parents, teachers and other authority figures from your youth.

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Your strong convictions could be challenged by a sibling, neighbour or cousin. It's not necessary to get in a big argument. Sometimes you can agree to disagree. If this isn't the case, you may want to prompt a frank discussion over lunch. Try to refrain from passing judgement on each other. Let this be a gesture of good faith. Demonstrating that you can be a good listener could pave the way for a smoother relationship.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You want to be financially independent, but it seems you can't make a move without an organisation's approval. Find other ways to assert your independence. For instance, you can start a small business out of your own home. Alternately, you can start putting a percentage of your earnings into savings. Such a nest egg will allow you to leave your current situation earlier than you think. Start investing in your future.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Occupying a position of power has a definite down side, which you'll experience today. Maybe you'll have to fire an employee or discipline a child. Perhaps you'll have to put a loved one on a budget. You may have to deliver some unpleasant news to a relative who is incapable of caring for themselves. Try not to be hard on yourself. Venting your frustration in a journal or through an art project can be therapeutic.

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