
It isn't like you to keep thinking about all the things that can go wrong. You are expecting the worst when you should have more faith in yourself. These negative thoughts are due to a past failure or disappointment. You are not in for a repeat of something you have already experienced.

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It's not because you have the time, that you will be taking on someone else's responsibilities. It's because you can see they can't cope and it seems like a reasonable thing to do to offer to help. A challenge you accept will be more difficult than it looks. You might wish you had thought twice before volunteering.

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They might say otherwise but you sense a partner is no longer interested in activities you both used to enjoy. Their restlessness is starting to bother you. If you sense they have grown bored with your relationship, ask them how they feel or think about what you could do to make life more exciting for them.

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You have lapsed into the habit of ignoring issues that are emotionally upsetting in the hope that they will, in some way, sort themselves out. This isn't going to happen. A relationship or joint arrangement isn't working. It needs more attention than you are currently giving it and you are starting to realise that now.

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You will be asked to take over a project that is causing someone else a lot of problems. You might wonder why they have struggled with a challenge you find surprisingly easy. You will shine in a leadership role. People are turning to you now for guidance.

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You are running out of patience for a disgruntled colleague who is so full of their own gripes and grievances that they don't want to listen to anyone else. You know they are exaggerating their own situation to make it sound a lot worse than it actually is.

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You're planning a trip to a place you have never visited before. If public transport is unreliable you will need to find an alternative way to get there. You might solve this problem by accepting a lift and sharing expenses with a fellow traveller.

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You're in tune with the needs and feelings of your friends and loved ones. They are finding it easy to talk to you. Don't be surprised when people start sharing their secrets with you. They trust you to keep these to yourself. Your heightened sensitivity or a feeling of d j vu makes you more aware of your intuition.

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It might seem as if there is no preventing a partner or youngster from going ahead with plans they are excited about even though you see these as being foolish. You know if you object too loudly, they will be all the more determined to go ahead. You need to be diplomatic as you don't want it to look as if you are trying to dictate what they do.

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You might feel resentment towards a senior colleague who is suggesting making some changes. You might even be tempted to challenge their thinking or their authority. Whether in a work or educational setting, are you taking some constructive criticism too personally?

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You're keen to get involved in new activities but you don't want to push in where you haven't been invited. It may be necessary to keep an eye on developments so you can wait until the right time to let people know you are interested in joining them.

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New opportunities could pass you by if you hesitate for too long. It is fear of the unknown that is getting the better of you. If you like an idea but you're nervous about it, take a deep breath and go for it. Joining forces with a creative friend or colleague will give you the confidence to pull out of a rut.

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