
A budget shortage will come as a surprise. Don't let this disappointing news derail your progress. You can make bricks out of straw by encouraging innovation and discouraging defeatist attitudes. Be the leader you always wanted. When you exude optimism, everyone else will follow suit. Take this opportunity to bring together a group in the spirit of harmony. You know exactly how to motivate people to work their hardest. By offering positive reinforcement and well-placed criticisms, you'll yield impressive results.

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You're determined to achieve financial success and security. Pursuing a high-profile job requires hard work and focus. Practice your interviewing skills with someone who has lots of experience hiring people. They'll have some valuable suggestions on making a good impression. If you want to gain fame and acclaim for your artistic ability, set yourself apart from the crowd. Developing a distinctive style will attract a loyal fan base. Some critics will be upset with your break from the mainstream, but that's their problem.

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When in doubt, obey your conscience. While it's tempting to pursue the most lucrative path, it will reflect badly on you. Set an example by taking the high road. At first, you'll feel pangs of regret, but don't worry too much; these misgivings will pass. Your interest in an unusual hobby can be isolating. Friends and relatives don't understand your fascination with an obscure pastime. This is where the Internet is helpful. Make connections with people who share this passion. Their support will be comforting.

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Your personal magnetism is impossible to resist. Use it to promote your agenda. Apply for a loan, win someone's heart or interview for a job. Friends envy your luck, feeling things come easily to you. You're successful because you exude positive energy. It may be necessary to break away from a group that has drastically changed. When you first joined, you had lots in common with its members. Since then, the organisation has changed. You can't to be associated with such narrow-minded people.

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Correcting an injustice requires hard work and dedication. You'll be surprised by the opposition you encounter. Certain people want to preserve the status quo, even though it harms part of the community. Things won't improve until you do something. Sparks are flying between you and someone close to you. Don't hesitate to say how you feel. A heartfelt confession will pave the way to a passionate encounter. Playing it cool, on the other hand, will result in a missed opportunity.

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You'll finish a job in record time. Your peers are impressed with your progress. They know you're the most talented person in the group. Instead of lording your expertise over others, you use it to elevate the team. Thanks to your graciousness, you'll be promoted. Don't put your faith in a celebrity who claims to have all the answers. Going on a crash diet won't yield the long-term relief you desire. Take a slow and sensible approach to health.

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Going after your heart's desire will be exhilarating. Usually, you prefer being pursued than playing the aggressor. This situation is different. You have no intention of letting an attractive person or golden opportunity slip through your fingers. If you have a crush on someone, confess. Go over your financial statements with a fine-toothed comb. It's possible you'll notice some suspicious charges or erroneous fees. Report the problem immediately; you don't want to get stuck with the expense.

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Once you set your sights on a goal, you'll do everything in your power to achieve it. If you've been longing to start a family, this is a good time to begin. Your partner may be nervous, so you'll have to ease their fears. A home improvement project could hit a snag. Instead of doing a complicated job by yourself, it would be better to hire an experienced professional. Don't begrudge an expert of their fee; their specialised skills are worth their weight in gold.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You'll have to work hard to gain knowledge of an important subject. While everyone else is having fun, you'll be hitting the books and meeting with study partners. By postponing your happiness for the sake of advancement, you'll sail to the head of the class. A nagging health concern demands your attention. Instead of fighting your way past these symptoms, get a medical consultation. You'll have to change your daily routine to completely recover; prepare to alter your behaviour.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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If you're comfortable, you can move mountains. Create a relaxed environment where you can work steadily. Although you enjoy the company of your colleagues, you don't like frittering away your time at the water cooler. Focus fully on tasks until they are completed. A sudden romantic attraction should be taken with a grain of salt. Someone who seems utterly irresistible now won't be very appealing later. Before making a move, get to know the object of your desire a little better.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Putting a plan into action fills you with excitement. You'll enjoy getting engrossed in a writing, music or visual art project. The nice thing about having an artistic life is it allows you to do as you please. Stop looking to others for guidance. An appliance could break or an Internet connection may go down, wreaking havoc with your home life. Put in an order for repairs and then occupy your mind with an undemanding task. Obsessing over this setback will only create stress.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your ability to take pleasure in the moment is the envy of everyone you know. While friends and family brood over minor setbacks, you revel over the miracle of life. This positive attitude will deepen your appreciation for home. Making comfort food can be rewarding. Beware of posting an angry response to a provocative remark on social media. The last thing you want is to waste valuable energy on someone who likes to cause trouble. Block anyone who is being hateful or rude.

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