
You won't be able to do as you'd like today, which is enormously frustrating. You were looking forward to a break all week, and now this emergency demands your attention. Try to take care of it with good grace, and then arrange to take a holiday once the issue is resolved. You can't possibly maintain this breakneck pace. Nervous tension may be affecting your health. Take up a relaxing hobby to help you chill out.

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An unreliable friend is wreaking havoc in your life. It may be time to take a break from them. If you keep trying to cover their tracks, you'll be drawn into their web. Don't be surprised if they've tried to palm off some of their misdeeds onto you. A person like this doesn't have any scruples. Whether it's because of addiction or a predisposition to lying is immaterial. Either way, you've got to stay clear of them.

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You could be out of a job, prompting you to wonder who you are and where you are going. Identifying too closely with your profession has been making you miserable. It's time you looked within for the answers you seek. Let your family take care of you while you get these issues sorted out. They'll give you the tender loving care you need. Resist the urge to find another position while you're in recovery mode. It's time you broke this pattern, for once and for all.

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Your education could be disrupted. Perhaps your favourite instructor will leave your school, or maybe you won't be able to afford tuition. Whatever the reason, try to remain philosophical. You can still continue your studies in your free time. Perhaps this will be a good opportunity to gain some practical job experience. It may feel as though the world has come to an end, but it hasn't. Try to look for the silver lining to this cloud. It really does exist.

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A close relationship may come apart at the seams. The two of you have entirely different value systems. It's become impossible to try to reconcile them. In the past, you were able to overlook these differences because of your strong chemistry. Unfortunately, this isn't enough to keep you together. Try going somewhere you can lick your wounds in private. You will need time to recover from a break line this. Don't second guess your decision.

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It's become impossible to see eye to eye with a partner. The two of you have been going in separate directions for some time. A temporary separation may be necessary. It is possible to work through your differences, but this will only happen if you can summon your sympathy for one another. Right now, both of your nerves are too raw to do this. Begin by being good to yourself. Don't beat yourself up for old mistakes. Focus on being more kind and tolerant instead.

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It may be difficult to find employment now. Perhaps you are struggling with an illness or don't have the proper documentation. Trying to force the issue will only make it worse. It may be best to start your own business. The money won't be impressive at first, but at least you'll be able to work on your own terms. Even something simple like walking dogs or cleaning homes can cover your bills. Don't knock it till you've tried it!

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A young person could have some surprising news. It's important to keep your feelings under control. Getting angry won't solve any problems; in fact, it will only make things worse. Think back to when you were their age. You have to admit your judgment wasn't stellar back then. You've got to give your young friend or relative the benefit of your experience and help them through a sticky patch.

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Your home life isn't especially stable and it may be time to find a better living situation. Moving closer to your job will give you more time for the people and activities you love. It may be difficult to find an affordable situation at first, but persist. Your efforts will pay off. In the meantime, try creating a familiar routine to help offset the disruptions you're experiencing. It isn't healthy to be steeped in chaos.

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As much as it pains you to do so, you've got to listen to an intelligent friend's advice. The rational part of you knows they are talking sense. The emotional part of you wants to do what feels good. Resisting temptation will help you avoid disaster. As enticing as a particular person or activity may seem, you need to stay on the straight and narrow. In a few weeks, you'll be relieved your pal was able to reason with you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Impulsive spending can get you into trouble. Buying things won't fill the emotional void you're experiencing. Don't be afraid to confront your grief. Talk about a recent loss with a sympathetic friend. The longer you try to bury your grief, the deeper it will become. As incredible as it may seem, these feelings can prompt you to make some positive changes. Your destiny is calling. It's time to answer it. Refusing to do so will only drive you deeper into debt.

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The inability to stick to a plan is causing trouble for you. You've always been easily discouraged. If a familiar feeling of panic sets in, you've got to stay calm. Refuse to turn tail at the first sign of trouble. You may be astonished at how well you're able to navigate these waters once you put your mind to it. Once you've cleared this hurdle, the others won't seem nearly as intimidating. Consider the effect on your loved ones if they can't rely on you.

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