
Learning a trade or skill will make you a hot commodity on the job market. Take this opportunity to enrol in college or study with a master. You won't gain proficiency overnight, but with a little patience, you'll cross the finish line. Pace yourself like a marathon runner instead of a sprinter. One of your superiors is impressed by your diligence and will offer you an impressive job once you get your license or diploma. You'll be in a good position to negotiate a high salary.

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You'll gain power and position through your artistic talent. Becoming an authority in your chosen field will help you champion new talent. Beware of using your position to get revenge. If somebody has wronged you in the past, refrain from belittling his or her work or you'll compromise your own reputation. If the public sees you are utterly fair with your criticisms, they'll come to you for guidance. You may not realise it, but you're laying the groundwork for a youngster's future.

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Proper management of a home, property or estate will give you long term financial security. If you're working with a money manager, be sure to retain power over all of your possessions. Review any and all legal documents that come across your desk, and insist on signing off on any agreements. When you're dealing with this much money, you can't trust anyone but yourself. Take this opportunity to set up a retirement or university fund for the young members of your family.

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Be very specific when giving directions to the team. Write out the instructions and give them to an objective third party to review. They will have helpful suggestions on improving any sections in need of clarification. Don't let your pride get in the way of revising this document. Aligning yourself with a powerful executive will help you realise a childhood dream. It may be necessary to postpone a holiday. Don't fret; you'll be able to make better arrangements soon.

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Getting your money's worth requires a little research. Do some online price comparisons before spending your hard earned cash. Read some consumer magazines to learn which manufacturers make the best product for your needs. By arming yourself with knowledge, you'll make an excellent choice. An unexpected expense forces you to cut back on luxury purchases. You won't miss these extravagances, thanks to an engrossing project that takes up all your attention.

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You're making a good name for yourself in your desired industry. People admire your work ethic and are impressed by your superior talent. If you're thinking of switching fields, now is the time to do so. You may have to start at the bottom, but don't let this faze you. Learning a business from the ground up will give you an added measure of authority. Choose a line of work that gives you great pleasure. You might as well have fun while you're at the office.

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Working behind the scenes causes your star to ascend. Your boss is impressed by your humble ways. Don't be surprised if you're offered a promotion or rise after volunteering to do a thankless job. Your family is very supportive of your dreams, and will help you make a bold move. The prospect of realising a dream is scary but exhilarating. Turn a deaf ear to colleagues who scoff at your efforts. They're just jealous you are within arm's reach of your goals.

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Friends in high places can introduce you to an attractive newcomer. You've had your eye on them for some time now. Being able to meet the object of your desire will give you a powerful charge. Luckily, the two of you will hit it off from the moment you lock eyes. You share many interests and will talk into the wee hours of the morning. If you're already in a relationship, your amour will be wildly jealous. You're faced with a hard decision.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Strong career ambitions prompt you to do something totally out of the ordinary. Venturing into an unfamiliar area of the business will help you score big points with your boss. In this job market, it's important to demonstrate a willingness to go where you are needed. Besides, it looks as if the area you are exploring has strong potential for the future. Mastering cutting edge techniques will help you negotiate a higher salary or find a better job elsewhere.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A serious interest in religion, foreign language or education will prompt you to switch gears. Getting an advanced degree will help you make the lifestyle change you crave. You're tired of being limited to a certain part of the world or a particular kind of job. The more you know, the wider your playing field will become. Your powerful personality will make a favourable impression on officials. Don't hold back in communicating your ambitions.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Taking responsibility for the family finances is a wise idea. You're not tempted by extravagant fads. You're more interested in making your income stretch as far as it can go. Putting your hard earned cash into savings will help you send your children to university and retire relatively early. If you have any outstanding debts, make it your mission to pay them off as quickly as possible. Listen to your instincts about a male relative. He could use a strong push.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You'll have a wonderful chance to come to a friend or romantic partner's rescue. In the past, you've leaned on your loved one for help. This time around, you'll be able to relieve him or her of a dreaded chore. Taking the weight off their shoulders will draw you closer together. It will also make you more confident. You're a lot more capable than you realise. This is especially true when it comes to getting popular support for a cause.

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