
A new source of income is on the way. Getting paid to exercise your leadership skills will be lots of fun. Instead of copying another person's model, you'll forge your own way. Fellow innovators will enjoy your pioneer spirit. Assemble a team of visionaries. Your hard work and determination are paying off. Instead of having to take orders, you'll be the one issuing them. That's a great change that will make it fun to go to work every morning.

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Breaking through some inhibitions will allow you to realise your potential. Stop being afraid of achieving master status. Getting a license, advanced degree or official certificate will raise your professional profile. It will also help you land a job that brings emotional and financial satisfaction. Acquiring some hi-tech skills is strongly advised. Being able to operate the latest equipment and software programmes will increase your value to the job market. Take an advanced course. You'll be surprised how quickly you pick things up.

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Solitary pursuits give you a chance to express yourself freely. Get into the habit of spending more time on your own. It doesn't matter if you're communing with nature, making art or carrying out spiritual practices. Being on your own will be therapeutic. You'll be spending more money than usual. An unexpected bill or a big expense will have you living on a tight budget. That won't be difficult for you. You're a flexible person who can always have fun, regardless of your bank balance.

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You're tired of being judged by stuffy traditionalists. Joining a group of fellow artists will be refreshing. Instead of defending your choices, you'll be praised for your innovative approach. All this encouragement will fuel your imagination even further. Prepare for some breakthroughs. Because you're feeling more comfortable in your skin, you'll be more attractive to love. If you're already in a relationship, your amour will become more attentive. Are you single? You'll draw admiring glances wherever you go.

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Having a career that gives you a measure of personal freedom is important. You can't thrive being micromanaged. If you don't already work for yourself, think about starting your own business. Do you want to work for a company? Review your options. Getting a job at a place that is famous for promoting its staff will be rewarding. After your employer realises what a hard worker you are, you'll be given a series of promotions and raises. Best of all, you'll be given an added measure of independence.

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Breaking through some inhibitions is liberating. Becoming comfortable in your own skin will be good for your confidence as well as your love life. Your sensual side is very strong. By learning to trust it, an intimate relationship will become much more rewarding. Lavishing your partner with love won't be a big ordeal; it will just come naturally. Are you single? You'll meet someone special at a sporting event, concert or theatre. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to someone with a commanding personality.

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Paying off a debt causes you to breathe a sigh of relief. Now you're able to spend your income any way you want, you should compile a wish list. Purchasing some beautiful furniture or artwork will fill you with excitement. You have a quiet, peaceful nature that is best expressed through domestic activities. If you don't own your place, this is a good time to buy one. After some intense negotiations, you can get a piece of property that is both valuable and gracious.

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Striking up an unlikely friendship will be lots of fun. Someone who is your opposite in many ways brings a fresh perspective. You'll enjoy arguing about politics, culture and current events. Don't be surprised when your perspective changes in certain areas. You're entering a very busy phase. Most of your time will be spent running errands. It's a good idea to invest in audiobooks. They'll help pass the time in an entertaining way while you're on the road, going from one task to another.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're ready to make your workspace more streamlined and efficient. Take this opportunity to sort through papers and materials. File everything away in a system that allows you to find things easily. Throw out clutter and keep anything you use regularly within arm's reach. A moneymaking opportunity is worth your time. Any work involving property, luxury goods or food will be highly profitable. This could be your big chance to cultivate long-term financial security. Go for it.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Carry out an idea for having more fun. Cutting back your work schedule, reassigning chores and volunteering less are all critical pieces of the contentment puzzle. Let other people do the heavy lifting for a change. You're ready to relax. Get started with a personal project. Embarking on a fitness regime, business enterprise or artistic venture will give you new momentum. Your energy and enthusiasm will attract investors. Put together a compelling sales pitch that will allow you to carry out your plan in style.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your emotional needs have changed. Before, you weren't terribly interested in having a permanent place to call home. Now you're interested in buying a property to call your own. Keep your eyes open for a place surrounded by greenery. Working behind the scenes will give you an added measure of creative freedom. Don't panic when you're assigned to background tasks. You'll be delightfully surprised at how much fulfilment you get from this work. It's a relief to be out of the spotlight.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Taking up an unusual course of study is strongly advised. Conventional wisdom has never appealed to you. You've always been more interested in offbeat subjects, ideas and philosophies. Pouring your energy into these classes will give you a new lease on life. A passionate encounter makes you feel like you're walking on air. It feels so good to be with a partner who intuits your needs. Without exchanging a word, you will reach levels of excitement you never dreamed possible.

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