
Forming a partnership with someone who is intelligent, honest and polite will be empowering. You'll be able to handle bold ventures involving sales and promotion, while your friend can handle public relations. Your progress will be impressive. Resist the temptation to correct your ally's behaviour. They know what they're doing and don't need lessons on how to improve. Giving each other plenty of leeway will strengthen your bond. This is an alliance you'll want to last a lifetime.

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Clean, orderly surroundings attract people to your work area. The world seems less chaotic in your environment. While all this attention is flattering, it is also distracting. You might want to post office hours on your door. Don't let your popularity undermine your progress. If your work area is hopelessly messy, it's time to clean it up. Take time out of your busy schedule to discard anything you haven't used in over a year. Clearing the clutter gives you space to stop and think about the future.

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Becoming an authority in your chosen field will be a labour of love. You don't mind spending long hours reading, studying and practicing. Friends will tease you for being out of touch. Don't let them distract you from your goal. By explaining how long you'll be out of commission, your loved ones will be more accepting. They don't want you to fail; they just miss your company. Once you gain master status, you'll be able to jump back into the social pool.

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Making changes to your home will be lots of fun. You enjoy creating a comfortable, beautiful space for others to enjoy. Redesigning a kitchen or bathroom will be inconvenient for a few months, but you'll love the result. If you don't own your place, you might decide to relocate. Explore various living options in your neighbourhood. You'll be surprised to find an affordable place close to stores, restaurants and theatres making you feel more closely connected to your community.

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You'll be busy with errands. Take this opportunity to do some grocery shopping, complete reports and return calls. Crossing these items off your 'to do' list will be intensely satisfying. You're tired of having things fall through the cracks. Once you've finished with these small jobs, you can focus on the big picture. Finding an inventive way to communicate a message will result in career success. Don't be surprised when you're given a promotion with an impressive title. You'll have earned it.

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Finding ways to make your money stretch further is important. The cost of living is going up, so it's only fitting to make adjustments. Landing a job that pays better can alleviate a cash flow problem. So can cutting out frivolous expenses. Something as simple as making your own coffee can save a tremendous amount over a long period. Buying in bulk can be cost effective for a large family. Pooling resources with a neighbour can be helpful if you live alone.

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Establishing your supremacy is important. You're tired of working for people who are less talented. Launching your own business is possible, but it will require showing off. Have confidence in your abilities and brag about your accomplishments. Put together a portfolio of your work. Create a website that demonstrates your talent. Although it's not polite to brag in a social setting, it is completely acceptable in the professional world. How else will people learn what you can do?

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Your vivid imagination demands expression. Start a creative project now, even if you're not sure how the final result will look. Don't show the fruits of your labour to anyone until you are finished. You've always had strong artistic impulses. Obeying them will ease tension that has been building over the past few weeks. It's such a relief to be able to say what you really feel, rather than hiding behind a socially acceptable mask. You're not afraid to face troubling ideas or taboo subjects.

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You will be asked to take the helm of an organisation. People have faith you will represent them fairly. They know you are able to see many different sides of a single issue. When arguments erupt, you find a solution that satisfies reasonable people. Anyone who insists on having their entire agenda met will be asked to leave. There is no room for an extremist in your group. Your guidance makes it possible for talented people to reach new heights. Take pride in this ability; it is rare.

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Getting more education will help you reach your professional goals. It's never too late to keep learning. Even if you're regarded as an expert in your field, it is wise to improve your computer skills. Knowing how to operate the latest software programs and hand held devices will increase people's respect for you. It's fine to stick to traditional methods if they serve you best. Keeping on top of technical trends will make the younger generation more receptive to your talent.

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Subjects like religion, philosophy and law have always fascinated you. You're not content to lead a humdrum existence consisting of mundane chores. You want to lift your thoughts to a higher plane. Learning about what uplifts and inspires others offers welcome relief from daily stress. It's easier to cope with petty problems when you have a rich inner world. You may never adopt a formal practice or school of thought, but you will learn something valuable from every belief you study.

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A research project will unearth some interesting information that is personally helpful. Previous assumptions about your background may be incorrect. Rely on official documents and personal accounts for an accurate picture of the past. Be prepared for some of your relatives to reject these findings. Don't insist on them changing their views. Certain people prefer reality to fairy tales. You'd rather know the truth, at least as far as your own history is concerned.

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