
You're so tired and frustrated by people that you want to withdraw from public view. Give yourself the luxury of a solitary day. Spend it any way you like. Head for the gym, hire a cheesy action movie, or stay in bed eating crisps. Refuse to answer to anyone else. Everybody needs a mental health day, and it looks like this will be yours. It's possible you're harbouring angry feelings towards someone. Find a healthy outlet for these emotions.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Leading a group of people to victory is easier than you think. The secret to your success is your utterly unconventional approach to problems. Often you rely on dreams to answer difficult questions and while onlookers may think this method is perfectly crazy, it does seem to work for you. A sudden burst of creativity could prompt you to join an art class. The more offbeat your teacher, the more progress you will make. Break out of your shell.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're willing to do whatever it takes to get to the top of your field. Working on the weekend seems like a small sacrifice for the sake of a larger dream. It may be necessary to take a tough stance with someone who keeps stepping out of line. If you don't show this man you mean business, though, he'll walk all over you. If you're looking for work, seek jobs related to electronics, computers, or broadcasting. Looking for fame? Start a blog!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You could be thrust into a surreal environment, causing you to alternately laugh and cry. Choose to look at this as a learning experience. At times, you will be justifiably angered by what you see. At others, you will be charmed by the strange ways of the people around you. Soak it all in like a sponge. In the end, you'll realise you have far more options than you realise. Try looking at your life through a brand new set of lenses.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Sudden financial gain from an unexpected source gives you a surge of energy. All of a sudden, it feels as though you could take on the world. If you've been harbouring a crush on someone, make your move before the object of your affection gets wind of your luck or you'll always wonder whether they want you or your money. In the event you're already in a relationship, this would be a wonderful day to turn a steamy fantasy into a thrilling reality.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Sensing you cannot undertake a project alone, you could be thrust into an unusual partnership and whilst it's true some people are a little eccentric, you'll actually come to love their strange ways. If you have to sell a product or promote an idea, let this person do it. You can focus on gathering the facts and figures to support your friend's arguments. Don't let a bully force you into taking second best. You've earned the right to first pick.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A steady job could come to an end, making you angry and bewildered. Before you lash out at this unfair predicament, consider whether it will liberate you to do bigger and better things. True, nothing justifies the way you have been treated but if you make the best out of a bad situation, you'll have the last laugh. Burning off your anger at the gym could result in a sleek, incredibly attractive physique. Here's looking at you!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A child could display an unusual gift. Resist the temptation to hide this light under a bushel. Specialised training will help them make the most of their natural talent. If you can't afford such a class, offer a continual stream of encouragement. Having the emotional support of an adult will mean the world to this kid. Playing a sport may prove lots more fun than you remembered. You love having an outlet for your aggression. Don't hold back!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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There's a difference between showing a relative respect and letting him push you around. True, this person may have age or experience on their side, but that doesn't give them license to manipulate you. Stand in your own defence. It may be necessary to live apart from this person, especially if he is trying to hold money over your head. You can support yourself with relative ease. Turn a deaf ear to your family's gloomy predictions about your future.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It will be virtually impossible to keep angry thoughts to yourself. Giving a neighbour or sibling a piece of your mind will come as a gigantic relief. Of course, the people who witness this confrontation may be mortified, but that can't be helped. Apologise for making a public outburst, but refuse to withdraw any remarks that were made in all fairness. There's only so much nonsense you can put up with. Tell this dreamer to take their head out of the sand.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Resist the urge to go on a wild spending spree as revenge for a mean gesture. Putting yourself into financial jeopardy will ultimately work against you. It's tempting to get back at your enemies with flashy displays of status and wealth. Ultimately, these items are empty symbols. If you really want to get back at your enemy, start your own business, write a book, or patent an idea. Breaking free of restrictions and restraints is often the best revenge.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Obeying a creative impulse will pay off handsomely when an idea for a movie, play, or song grows into a beautiful body of work. Give yourself a chance to develop this brainstorm. Your inner critic will tell you this concept is stupid, worthless, and embarrassing. Turn a deaf ear to these musings. It takes courage to express your artistic side. By giving yourself permission to do so, you'll have an incredible breakthrough. Jot down any and all ideas in a small notebook.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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