
Never underestimate your creative potential, especially today. If a relative or teacher underplayed your skills as a child, it may have been because they had ulterior motives. Often, adults feel that it's their responsibility to steer kids onto a path of practicality. Unfortunately, these attempts can often subdue a child's inner artist. Give yourself to experiment with all sorts of different art materials today. You'll be pleased with the results.

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Establishing your own identity can be difficult when your family has such a strong influence on you. Don't feel compelled to discuss every last detail of your personal life with relatives. Some things are sacred. If you have hobbies that your kin doesn't respect, perform them in private so you won't be criticised or ridiculed. Moving to a neighbouring town can put a healthy distance between you and your loved ones.

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You're willing to work hard to stabilise a relationship with your neighbour or sibling, but is the same true of them? If you feel like you're doing all the giving, it may be time to make a strategic retreat. You've always been a very generous person, but there should be a limit to your efforts. Spend more time with people who appreciate your friendship. Otherwise, bitterness and resentment could cloud your natural optimism.

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It's possible you've been thinking about opening your own business. You're tired of taking orders from people who are less experienced and knowledgeable than you. If you're already self employed, remember to be a good boss to yourself. Reward yourself for jobs well done, and be generous with time off and retirement policies. Get into the habit of putting a percentage of your income into a savings account, even if it's a tiny amount.

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Don't go overboard with an impulse to make sacrifices for a child. What this kid really wants is time and affection. Grand gestures like expensive presents or exclusive schools will make little impact, but you should also remember you have needs of your own. Whether this means buying yourself a small luxury or going on a solo trip is immaterial. As an adult, you have your own forms of fun. Depriving yourself of these pleasures would be criminal.

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A newcomer to your social circle strikes you as overly idealistic. At first, you'll shake your head at this person's seeming naivete. Gradually you'll notice this character seems to experience an inordinate amount of lucky breaks. That's really not a coincidence. By radiating positive energy, your pal is attracting all sorts of good fortune. Take a page from their book and see what happens. Assume an idealistic view for an entire week.

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A career in government service, sales or politics are all possibilities for you. It's not surprising you'd find success in dealing with the public. Your charm, wit and intelligence makes you a natural for such work. If you're happy with your current position, you may want to find a way to exhibit your creative efforts. Submit your work to poetry contests, art galleries or publishing houses. An adoring public awaits.

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A partner who shares your objectives and goals makes it easy for you to take risks. In the past, you've been reluctant to leave secure situations for the sake of dreams that may never come true. This time around you've got a friend who is pressuring you to step out of your comfort zone. With their support, you can move mountains. A long distance trip or an advanced degree is yours for the asking.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The secret to your success is belief in your own abilities. Others may have more education and experience, but you radiate confidence so employers and customers will put their faith in you. If you're looking for work, seek out opportunities in law, medicine, or research. You could strike gold on the first interview. Someone with an exotic background could capture your fancy this afternoon. Arrange to meet later at some private place.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Increased tension between you and a loved one has become too much to bear. It's time to put your cards on the table. If you're disillusioned by this person's behaviour, say so. A loud argument could ensue, but that's better than suffering in silence. You can find a healthy resolution to this problem, provided you are honest about your feelings. Stop turning a blind eye at an addiction or obsession.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're a lot more capable than you give yourself credit for, especially when it comes to close relationships. Although you may not say very much, you observe a great deal. This will help you come to the aid of a colleague or romantic partner who is in distress. Invite this person to discuss their troubles, and refrain from offering advice until they've finished telling their tale of woe. Your sympathy will work wonders.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Coming up with creative solutions to stubborn problems will be effortless today. Don't hesitate to make helpful suggestions to a fellow worker who seems to be struggling with a particular task. At first, this person may brush off your advice. Eventually they'll see the merit of your ideas. While they're mucking around with that job, make it your business to finish up any annoying tasks that have piled up over the past few days.

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