
Serious family responsibilities may get in the way of pursuing some personal plans. Fortunately, friends are understanding and may even go out of their way to make it up to you. Your extensive knowledge of a subject makes a favourable impression. Don't be surprised if you're asked to give a lecture or teach a course on one of your favourite topics. This is one of those days when you'll have to take the bad with the good.

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It's difficult to communicate angry feelings to a person who seems emotionally fragile. A female authority figure could offer valuable advice on how this should be done. You're too honest to keep your emotions bottled up inside like this. Trust your instincts when it comes to deep matters like sex, death, and addiction. You simply can't be held prisoner to these issues, even though they are scary. Vow to live in the moment.

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Financial restrictions could prevent you from realising a cherished dream. Instead of giving in to defeat, try a different approach. Apply for grants, loans, and scholarships, no matter how dim these prospects seem. A powerful friend or business partner could come to your aid at the last minute. The key is to put up a positive front. People will have more faith in you if maintain an optimistic attitude.

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It will be hard for you to make headway in your career if you continually look on the dark side. Your superiors are ready to reward problem-solvers, not complainers. Adopt a compassionate attitude toward somebody who continually gets on your nerves. This show of sympathy could completely transform your relationship. Being of assistance is the best way to boost your self worth. You're a born nurturer, so put your talents to work.

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It's hard to move forward with plans when you're focused on past disappointments. Just because things didn't work out before doesn't mean that history will repeat itself. And even if it does, you're in a much better position to glean something positive from the experience. You're not the type of person who will be content by doing the same thing day after day. Set new challenges for yourself, even if it's scary.

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Obligations to friends seem like a huge burden right now, but pause to think a minute. Where would you be without these people? Put aside your own concerns and do something kind for a friend who has helped you in the past. You'll feel an immediate energy boost once you let go of your agenda. Help from the home front is on its way. A relative who once seemed indifferent to your problems is now willing to lend their assistance.

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Your workload could take a heavy toll on an intimate relationship, so be careful. It may be time to decide which is more important, a stellar career or a fulfilling union. Scaling back your duties will give you more time and energy for your love life. If you don't have a partner, it may be because you're too focused on your professional prospects. Following a friend's advice is a wise idea.

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Nervousness could prevent you from taking a chance on something new. Unless you make a clean break you'll be stuck in a situation that isn't good for your emotional health. You're a lot more self-sufficient than you realise. Don't let a manipulative friend or lover convince you you're not strong or smart enough to handle serious responsibilities. The fact is, you'll thrive from such challenges. Do something utterly out of character today.

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Dreaming about future success isn't enough; you've got to take action. You've got plenty of willpower to overcome big obstacles. The problem is you let others talk you into wasting time on unfulfilling endeavours. Start setting aside an hour each day for your own projects. This will keep you focused on your goals, and less prone to following the whims of friends. It's fine to relax, but you need to temper play with work.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A partner is becoming more demanding, and with good reason. Recently, you've retreated into a shell that is hard to penetrate. This makes it impossible for friends to understand your needs. The more resistant you are to their help, the further they'll back away. Don't fool yourself into thinking it is better to be alone. The truth is, you need the company of others more than ever. Stop being stubborn and reach out.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Getting in shape is important if you want to move past your current restrictions. If you're struggling with fatigue or irritability, it's probably because you're not moving your body enough. Fortunately, you don't need to embark on a daunting exercise or diet plan to feel better. A few small adjustments are all that's necessary to restore your natural good humour. Let a fit friend lead the way to a happier, healthier you.

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You may not be able to enjoy the material rewards of a project right now. Perhaps you're too busy with family or work matters. Whatever the reason, try not to dwell on your disappointment. Instead, focus on building a strong relationship with an authority figure. This person can help you get the leisure time you so desperately need. Listen to your instincts with regard to a money proposal. Your intuition is right on target.

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