
You have been given a certain measure of power. Don't let it go to your head. Although you have the ability to make an enemy's life difficult, it doesn't mean you should do. People who abuse their influence are viewed with disgust and mistrust. It's better to win over the public by using your authority to help others. This could mean anything from donating money to a good cause to organising a fund raiser to acting as a mentor to people who are entering your field.

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Stay away from sensitive topics like religion and politics. Nothing will be gained from such arguments, but quite a few relationships may be broken by them. If you have strong feelings about a particular issue, keep them to yourself. Write about them in your diary or express them through an art project. Tempers are running high. Someone who takes offense at your remarks could try to drive you out of a job or organisation. When in doubt, err on the side of diplomacy.

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A power struggle over money will erupt. You're determined to get your fair share of a group fund. It may be necessary to hire a lawyer to reach your goal. Friendships could fall apart as a result of this conflict. You're firmly convinced you have a right to this cash, but others disagree. Take a few moments to reflect on why this matter bothers you. Is it because you feel like you're being cheated out of resources that are rightfully yours? Be honest.

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Jealousy will rear its ugly head in a close relationship. Your best friend may feel threatened by a new alliance you have formed. Your amour could be afraid you are attracted to someone at work. Do your best to make your feelings clear. If you're not believed, there is serious work to be done. It's not fair to be put on the defensive all the time, especially when you've been loyal. Unless your loved one gets some counselling for this matter, your bond will be in the balance.

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Take safety measures when working with heavy equipment. You may feel odd wearing goggles, gloves and other protective gear, but such precautious could save you a trip to the hospital. If you're dealing with toxic people at work, you should take similar precautions. Protect yourself by limiting your time with these pests. File a formal complaint against anybody who makes you feel unsafe or threatened. If all else fails, confront this bully in a public setting. Manipulators prefer operating by stealth.

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Trying to suppress your creative side will cause great unhappiness. Although it is admirable you have such a strong work ethic, that doesn't mean you should spend all your energy on your career. Take this opportunity to carve out a good amount of time for artistic pursuits. It doesn't matter what direction you take. The important thing is you satisfy your desire to exercise your imagination. If romance is elusive, it's because you're dissatisfied with life. Do you need to make changes?

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Watch what you post on social media. It could be easily misconstrued as being vicious or insensitive. You've always been considerate of others. Sometimes it's difficult to convey kindness in a typed format; a sincere statement can be read as sarcasm. If you want to give someone support or express concern for their welfare, give them a call. Leave a short but sincere voicemail telling the recipient you are thinking of them. A small gesture like this can make a world of difference.

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Mechanical breakdowns could trigger a temper tantrum. Be prepared to change direction quite suddenly. You'll be able to move past this setback much quicker if you're not consumed by rage. Instead of dwelling on this inconvenience, entertain the notion that this breakdown is a blessing in disguise. Wherever you go, bring a bottle of water, snack and book. That way, you'll be pleasantly diverted while the problem is resolved. It may be necessary to cancel an appointment altogether.

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Be totally honest in all business matters, even if it means losing a client. If you can't do a job for less than a certain price, say so. If a customer has unrealistic expectations, tell them in the nicest possible way. You still might get an angry response, but at least you will have saved yourself from a horrible work experience. There are people who want something for nothing. You have no intention of catering to such entitled egomaniacs. Hold out for patrons who appreciate you.

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A headstrong attitude will turn potential allies into sworn enemies. Focus on working as part of a team instead of barking out orders. You have a specific vision, but few people agree with it. Instead of writing off critics as stupid, carefully review their objections. Address their concerns point by point. It's especially important to listen to people who will be adversely affected by your method. By showing you can bend without breaking, you'll earn the respect of the group.

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Getting involved in secret intrigues will be cause for regret. If someone asks to confide in you, gently turn them away. You've worked hard to win a reputation for being a straightforward, honest person. Acting as someone's confessor will undermine your reliability. You have a chance to get involved with an exciting moneymaking opportunity. As a result, you should beware of the company you keep. Maintaining a close alliance with someone who leads a double life will reflect badly on you.

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Trying to change a friend's behaviour will be an exercise in futility. You either have to accept them, warts and all, or break off the relationship. You've always had a strong sense of ethics. If you discover a loved one has been harming others through their words and deeds, it would be best to distance yourself from them. People who take pleasure in being hurtful never change their spots. At some point, they will treat you like a second-class citizen. Don't wait around to give them this opportunity.

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