
If you're going to land your dream job, you'll have to pay your dues. Be willing to take a low-level position to move up the ladder. Are you happy with your current role? It would be a good idea to take a newcomer under your wing. Showing them the ropes will be a good use of your leadership ability. When your superiors see how helpful you've been, they'll give you a raise, promotion or both. The fastest way to attract positive energy is to generate it yourself.

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Living up to a demanding person's expectations makes you exhausted. Instead of trying to win favour with them, seek to satisfy yourself. Choose a movie that appeals to you, visit a restaurant that has just opened or splash out on some new clothes. If your other half criticises you, think carefully about your future together. It may be better to part ways. You're a wonderfully creative person who should join forces with someone who worships you. Seek a partner who loves you just the way you are.

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Dealing with the public will be a challenge. A hostile customer, patient or patron will find fault with everything you do. Instead of taking their behaviour personally, rise above the fray. When your tormentor realises they can't penetrate your cheerful attitude, they'll look elsewhere for a victim. Some people enjoy spreading their misery to others. Knowing how to deflect their assaults is one of the greatest lessons you'll ever learn. It will protect your heart and improve your prospects.

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Cutting back on creature comforts will strengthen your financial position. Plan to pay off bills by a certain time. Having a goal will help you cultivate a healthier attitude towards money. Each month you make a payment, your confidence will soar a little higher. Once you are back in the black column, you'll be walking on air. You're much more determined than you appear. Keep your financial ambitions to yourself. This will protect you from naysayers. You don't need anyone's approval to succeed.

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You have high expectations of your loved ones. Instead of urging them to be the best, try practicing unconditional love. You'll be surprised how quickly your relationships improve. People are ambitious about different things. The path you think a relative should take may be utterly wrong for them. Show faith in their judgement. When they demonstrate interest in a subject, encourage it. You can do this with praise, financial support or interest. The simple act of asking detailed questions can create a much stronger bond.

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It's hard to understand a detached colleague. You've always been passionate about your work. When you meet a fellow worker who seems indifferent to their duties, it's puzzling. The best way to learn what makes someone tick is to suspend judgement. Take careful note of what excites and inspires them. Once you know how to motivate them, you'll collaborate well. Don't be surprised if you have many interests in common. You'll never know whilst you silently criticise everything they do.

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Resist the temptation to buy someone's affection. If you want to get into their good graces, you'll have to do it by slowly gaining their trust. Spend quality time together. Learn more about their interests. Ask them for book and movie recommendations. Sooner or later, their reserve will fall away and you'll become friends. You shouldn't have to shower a person with lavish gifts for them to think well of you. Let your excellent social skills and your natural charm and charisma do the work.

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If you were raised to worry about money, make a pledge to change your attitude. Have faith in the Universe to give you everything you need. Anxiety drives financial opportunity from your door, while confidence attracts it. Study the habits of affluent people who enjoy their wealth. By adopting their attitudes, you'll achieve similar success. It sounds simplistic, but it's true. Go to the library and check out some books on the art of manifestation. They can transform your life.

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People with problems have always been drawn to you. That's because you have an open mind. Although you don't mind lending a sympathetic ear, you don't want to be inundated with incessant complainers. Set better boundaries. Make it clear you aren't open to hearing intensely personal confidences from casual acquaintances. Save your emotional energy for supporting one or two people you deeply love. It's not your job to save the world. You can be compassionate without being at everyone's beck and call.

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Indiscriminate spending will get you in trouble. Although you are luckier than most people, you must conserve your resources for personal expenses. Feel free to make a regular donation to charity. Your generosity will go farther when you're more mindful about the causes you champion. If a friend or colleague pressures you to contribute to a fundraiser, be prepared to politely turn them away. You shouldn't feel compelled to give money to anyone who asks for it. Stand firm.

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You deserve success. The sooner you believe in your own ability to rise to the top of the game, the faster you will reach your destination. Stay away from discouraging people who undermine your confidence. A good friend with a pessimistic outlook means well, but their influence is poisonous. Surround yourself with positive people. The most accomplished individuals tend to see the world as a friendly place. When you adopt this view, you'll attract many opportunities for advancement. Choose the ones that fill you with excitement.

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Your skills are needed by those who are less fortunate. Getting involved with a charitable organisation will be rewarding on many levels. Working with people who share your humanitarian instincts will be more fun than expected. Instead of sitting around talking about the world's troubles, you'll exchange jokes, share meals and watch movies. Don't be surprised when your social network doubles or even triples because of this affiliation. Make room in your life for similarly kind, generous people.

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