
Power struggles involving a legal struggle aren't worth the trouble. It's better to concede defeat than bash your head against a brick wall. Never fear; you'll have other opportunities to overcome your adversary. In this case, though, it's best to walk away. A business or romantic partner will be grateful for your restraint. Once you put this matter behind you, you'll have more time to spend with your nearest and dearest.

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It won't be possible to get a loan or a favour, so don't even ask. You're better off formulating another plan to reach your goals. It may be necessary to take another job to supplement your income. Fortunately, your chances for finding a good position are strong. Any work that calls upon your creative skills will prove fulfilling. Be willing to train with an expert in the field. The skills you acquire will help you get bigger and better jobs.

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Someone close to your heart is having too much influence on your decisions. You've got to put some distance between you for the sake of your relationship. At first, your friend will balk at your efforts to become more independent. You need to be firm. Just because you've always divided work a certain way doesn't mean your arrangement should be permanent. The more experience you get with various types of responsibilities, the happier you both will be.

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Work could feel oppressive; a colleague who considers themselves an authority on everything could try to give you advice. It may be impossible to mask your feelings about them. If you do decide to voice your frustration, refrain from making personal attacks or you'll look petty and rude. Happily, your home life is looking great so spend as much time as you can at home with your nearest and dearest and you'll soon be back on tip top form.

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Don't be a slave to creature comforts. You need to try something new, if only to stimulate your senses. Lately, it's been all too tempting to take the easy way out. Continuing down this path could cause your boss to overlook you for a promotion. Alternatively, you could fritter your creative talents away while others are honing theirs to a diamond like brilliance. You can't afford to let the competition get ahead of you.

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Upsetting memories from the past could prevent you from taking an important risk. While it's true you've experienced some deep disappointments, this doesn't mean more await you. You've gained a great deal of insight since that time. Furthermore, you've had time to improve your skills. Funding that was once elusive will become available. Don't hesitate to apply to college, change jobs, or go abroad. This time around, you will find success.

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Listening to petty criticisms will only undermine your progress. Put some distance between yourself and cynics. If you keep hanging around these drones, you'll adopt their outlook and become paralysed, too. Continue to propose alternatives to difficult situations. Keep modifying faulty practices and equipment. Eventually, your efforts will be noticed and you will be rewarded. Besides, keeping positive gives you a sexy glow which makes you a hot commodity on the romantic market.

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Your opinion may not be valued, simply because you don't make as much money as other members of the group. Although this injustice is frustrating, you can't afford to dwell on it. Retreat to a quiet spot where you can reconnect with your soul. Make a list of things that you value most in life. After reviewing these entries, you may decide to part company with people who have consistently undervalued your contributions.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Beware of pushing your agenda too hard. You can't afford to make enemies right now. Pattern your behaviour after a friend you've always admired. You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. If you can't manage to persuade people to your way of thinking, remain philosophical. Perhaps this defeat is a blessing. By going along with somebody else's program, you could find more stimulating and productive ways of doing things than your own.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Don't fall victim to negative thinking. Be gentle with yourself, especially when trying new things. You've got to give yourself permission to be a beginner before you can master a practice. Don't bother sharing your efforts with people who are always looking at the dark side. These friends won't be able to appreciate your attempts to push yourself harder. Instead, they'll warn you about making terrible decisions and taking wrong turns.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're prone to putting your plans on hold for the sake of others. Don't make this mistake now. You've got to act in your own interests, even at the risk of being called selfish. After all, nobody else will attend to these matters. The chance to work abroad or go back to school seems appealing. Explore your options. It may be necessary to put a love affair on hold for the sake of this adventure. Good things come to those who wait.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It may be impossible to escape the confines of your job. Don't schedule a holiday until you've discussed these plans with your boss. It may develop that your presence will be needed during this crucial time. If you feel too many demands are being made of you, say so. A heated discussion could result in a much better arrangement for you and your employer. Sometimes it's better to discuss your feelings than keep them buried, where they fester and burn.

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