
An upheaval in a close relationship makes you realise it's time to go off on your own. Reconnecting with your inner voice is critical to your happiness. Although you care deeply about a friend or romantic partner, it's important to recognise how this alliance has inhibited your progress. Take a solitary trip to somewhere you've always wanted to visit. Being able to set your own schedule and do what you like will be reviving. Find out who you are apart from this alliance.

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Losing a job will be a blessing in disguise. You're a highly practical person. Although your work may have been tedious and dull, you clung to it as a means to earn money. Now you are forced to find another position. Instead of choosing something stultifying, venture in a more creative direction. Getting paid to use your imagination will give you a new lease on life. You're too inspired to be happy with routine duties. Explore opportunities in fashion, advertising and photography.

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A romance will come to an end, causing you to question what makes life meaningful. Falling back in love with a hobby will keep you from going into a downward spiral. Pick up a paintbrush, pen, needle or hammer. Work with materials that fill you with excitement. Creating works of beauty will help you recover from a terrible disappointment. You're a wonderful person who is worthy of love. If you continue to do things that make you happy, you'll attract your ideal partner.

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A sense of responsibility causes you to make some changes at home. You might decide to put your professional responsibilities on a back burner to help a child who is struggling at school. It's possible you will relocate to another town or city for the sake of a job. You could sell a property to pay off debts. Downsizing will be less difficult than you expect. You don't need luxury to be happy. The most important thing in your life is relationships. Draw closer to your nearest and dearest.

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An upsetting piece of news makes you realise you have to move in a different direction. Try not to dwell on your disappointment. Being forced to accept an unattractive option will be good for you. Instead of dwelling on your resentment, you should try to make the best of this situation. When your loved ones realise how hard you are working to overcome this challenge, they will gain a newfound respect for you. Several shaky relationships will become much stronger.

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A financial crisis will cause you to question what you really value. Instead of pursuing a job that saps your energy, think about downshifting into a less demanding line of work. Being able to leave your troubles at the office will make you much happier. Stop worrying what others will think if you don't have a prestigious job. It doesn't matter what role you occupy, as long as your work pays the bills. You're extremely intelligent. Pour your gifts into creative pursuits that bring you joy.

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You're tired of being defined by your relationships. Making a break with a company or person who has overshadowed your talent will be liberating. Money will be tight for the short term future. Resist the temptation to ask friends for loans. You'll fare much better by making your resources stretch as far as possible. When the time is right, you'll have a chance to work for an operation that allows you to shine. Don't be afraid to start at the bottom of another industry. You'll quickly rise to the top.

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You've neglected your spiritual side long enough. If it feels like you can't get out of bed, it's because you have to make some changes. Take time off work to heal from a recent emotional shock. Stay away from someone who makes you doubt yourself. By looking inward for the answers you seek, you'll be gratified. Taking up a sacred practice will help you transcend petty problems that have been weighing on your heart. There's more to life than making money.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Ending a troubled alliance will make you anxious. It's hard to go solo after being part of a large group. Instead of looking to others for approval, you'll have to trust your own instincts. This will be difficult. Sometimes you'll be forced to flip a coin to make a decision. Don't worry. The more time you spend on your own, the stronger your confidence will become. You'll need to be self-assured and assertive if you're forced to confront a conventional authority figure.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You'll be relieved of certain responsibilities at work. It feels like you've been demoted, which is demoralising. Instead of being defeated by this situation, let it serve as a springboard to a better way of life. You may decide to take some time away from work to explore what makes you happy. Focusing on family could prompt you to become a full time carer for a child or elderly relative. Alternatively, you might decide to run a business from home. Leaving the rat race will be therapeutic.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A course of study will come to an end, leaving you at loose ends. Before starting a new project, take some time to process the experience you've just had. You might want to take some notes about it. These musings can be turned into a song, screenplay or novel. Every rite of passage deserves to be recorded. In a few years, you'll be surprised to see how much you've changed. You're not the type to stay stuck in a situation like a fly in amber. You're always evolving.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A relationship that had serious strings attached to it is not worth your time. Break off this alliance so you can focus on more rewarding pursuits. You have an opportunity to be transformed through a spiritual practice. By turning your back on an expensive lifestyle, you'll be able to stop working so hard. At long last, you'll be able to devote the majority of your time to art, nature and pets. It may feel like you've woken from a terrible nightmare.

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