
Your instincts are right on target, especially where romance is concerned. If you think someone has a crush on you, you're probably right. Your admirer is too shy to make the first move. If you're in the mood for a relationship, you'll have to pursue them. Are you already in a relationship? Your partner is undergoing some problems and is reluctant to tell you. A heart to heart discussion is advised. Take the time to reconnect or your union could suffer.

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An artistic friend will ask for help with a project. This could be a great opportunity to learn a new medium. Painting, sewing and woodwork appeal to your creative side. Acting as an apprentice will change your outlook. Suddenly, you'll become a lot more romantic and sentimental. If you're in a relationship, you may decide to make a beautiful gift for your amour. A handmade offering will make a great impression. Are you in the market for love? You could find it at a nightclub.

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A career opportunity in a creative field will become available. Be sure to throw your hat in the ring. You have a wonderful chance of landing this position. Your upbeat enthusiasm and flexibility are decided assets. The work is requires a problem solver who can easily change direction. This is just the sort of job you enjoy. If there's anything you can't stand, it's being expected to dispatch the same boring duties day after day. Look for something that's a little more challenging.

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Spiritually rewarding activities remind you of what's really important. If you have a dead end job, start volunteering for a charitable organisation in your spare time. You'll feel much better giving your time and energy to a worthy cause. Attending a house of worship could also be fulfilling. The material world can sometimes weigh on your heart. Being able to lift your thoughts to more noble ideas will come as a welcome relief. There's more to life than work, money and responsibility.

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An intimate relationship makes you very happy. Spending time with someone who worships the ground on which you walk gives you an attractive glow. Don't be surprised when several other people come forward to admire you. Fortunately, you're a loyal soul who wouldn't dream of betraying your amour. It is nice to be popular. Are you looking for love? Let a relative set you up on a blind date. Your family knows just what kind of partner you need.

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A creative collaboration gives you confidence. People are always celebrating your practical abilities, but very few understand how artistic you really are. It will be easier to tap into your whimsical side when working alongside a supportive partner. If you're interested in breaking into the film industry, you might want to hire an agent or manager. That way, they can concentrate on the business side of things while you develop your craft. Don't hesitate to take a low paid job to get experience.

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If you're looking for work, you could find a job in one of the health professions. Your kindness and discretion will be definite assets. Be sure to emphasise these qualities in a job interview. Are you happy at work? Taking up a hobby could enrich and enhance your life. You've been blessed with a level of artistic talent. Develop it with a teacher who is compassionate and intuitive. You'll greatly benefit from their guidance. These lessons may cost a lot, but they will pay off.

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A love affair brings great pleasure. The two of you have a deep appreciation for art, leisure and luxury. Take this opportunity to go on a relaxing break together. Are you single? You will meet someone special at a beautiful resort. Getting away from the daily grind will be a relief. Lately, you've had a lot of responsibility heaped on your plate. Ask a relative to take over while you're away. Don't feel guilty about taking a break. If you keep working this hard, you'll burn out.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Spending time at home will be relaxing. Although you're a social butterfly, you can sometimes tire of flitting from party to party. Take this opportunity to put your feet up and let your hair down. Turn your mobile off. The last thing you want is to get drawn into a long conversation with a self pitying relative. Staying off the computer is also advised. Too much stimulation can make it difficult for you to sleep. Establish a soothing bedtime routine that will help you slumber.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your conversational skills are enchanting. Flirting with an attractive newcomer will be fun. It's exciting to trade mock jabs with someone who obviously admires you. If you already have a partner, you could make them jealous. This could be beneficial for your relationship. You're tired of being taken for granted. It's about time your amour remembers just how alluring you really are. Are you single? Don't make any serious commitments now. Enjoy playing the field.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your detached attitude towards money pays off. It doesn't faze you to make risky investments because you're not worried about the outcome. As far as you're concerned, money is merely a form of energy. It can be generated and spent whenever you need it. This outlook helps you spot potential packed possibilities. If you're given a budget at work, you are willing to take chances for the sake of attracting business. Others worry you are irresponsible, but they don't understand your methods.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Developing your artistic gifts in a foreign country is possible. If you've ever wanted to study abroad, this is the time to try. You could get a grant or scholarship that allows you to advance your education for virtually no money. Alternatively, you may decide to become an expert in a subject that has always fascinated you. Doing online research could unearth some interesting material. Reading about your favourite author, musician or painter could prompt you to develop your own creative talent.

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