
An unusual person enters your life leaving you uncomfortable but attracted to them - curious! A love relationship you thought was rock solid suddenly goes off kilter. Chalk it up to your tendency to play fast, loose and flirt. A little one-on-one interaction is essential if you're going to maintain a healthy union. Be ready to confess some deep, dark secrets you've kept hidden. Let your defences down.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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If you want things to be on the straight and narrow take a deep breath as they wont be today. Authority figures put a crimp in your plans, and may force you to cancel an appointment at the last minute. The sooner you reconcile yourself to this disappointment, the better off you'll be. Arrange to give yourself a reward at the earliest opportunity. A sensualist like you will appreciate sex or a gourmet meal.

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Someone who appears to have the community's interest at heart lulls you into a false sense of security. A mathematical error could lead to a financial mess if you're not careful. Ask your bank for an account of recent activity, then check your records against it. It might be a good idea to put off any expensive purchases. That way, you'll avoid any dreaded overdraft charges that could occur.

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An unexpected windfall could have complications so don't spend before you've got it. Spoiling a loved one could have unfortunate results. Although you're willing to overlook their annoying habits today, it may be a different story tomorrow. Avoid giving mixed signals and enforce the rules. By getting all that unpleasant business out of the way early, you can proceed to have fun.

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You can resist anything but temptation remember that when faced with a pretty face. Your tendency to make drama out of the mundane is stronger than ever. A partner may be the main target of your wrath. Suddenly, the way they chew food becomes a major source of contention. If you catch yourself blowing up at the smallest possible transgression, stop and apologise. Otherwise, serious trouble could ensue.

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Time to get on your high horse and play St. George against the dragon of injustice. Don't bother to plan too much as the Venus/Uranus opposition means acting spontaneously. There's no point in forcing people to do anything when they are ringed fenced by the law. Get involved with an action group or with like minded people who have also suffered in similar circumstances. Enough is enough, fight for your rights.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Friends can be lovers too but does it mean the end of a beautiful friendship too? A crush could be fleeting indeed when the object of your affection upsets your sense of justice. Don't let your feelings get in the way of setting this person straight. Charming folks like these are often the most dangerous. That's because they use their powers to take advantage of others. Beware!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Being flexible and adaptable is your best way to fend off what can be an upsetting day. What you think is a great idea may go over like a lead balloon. Instead of pouting, develop a project on your own. Proving folks wrong has always been one of your favourite forms of revenge. Sometimes the best motivator is scepticism. Let all those negative comments fuel your success.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Having little or no expectations means you won't be disappointed this contrary day. You may have to come up with some creative solutions to get around a stuffy bureaucrat. Whilst you've never had a hard time breaking dumb rules, a colleague is dead scared. Don't reveal your plans until the last possible moment. Sometimes you have to withhold the truth for the greater good.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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What is given with one hand is taken away with the other with added interest - take care. Just when you think you have a handle on your finances, another expense pops up. That's why it's a good idea to always pay yourself first. Whenever you get a check, put 5% of it into savings. Refuse to touch this fund, even if it means paying bills late. This will give you a comforting feeling of security.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You don't know what or who you want today which means say or do nothing for your own good. Someone you thought you knew could reveal a secret that stuns you into silence. Let this be a lesson the next time you think, 'I've got this person all figured out.' Your powers of analysis are strong indeed, but at rock bottom, all human beings are unpredictable. That's really the only thing of which you can be certain.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Someone has an unusual request but figure out who it benefits best, you or them? It feels like you have a sign taped to your back that reads, 'welcome, weirdoes.' Sometimes you wonder if you'll make any honest-to-goodness friends. Don't get too upset. It's much better to know off-beat folks than to mix with people who do the right thing in the right way all the time. Embrace your quirky crowd.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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