
Getting lost in a big group is tempting, but it won't ultimately solve money problems. Steer clear of friends who spend their funds lavishly; being in their company may prove too great a temptation. There's nothing wrong with spending a few quiet nights at home on your own. In fact, you may discover you actually enjoy scaling back social commitments in favour of solitary pursuits like reading and snuggling under the covers.

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You feel as though you're completely in the dark, which puts your reputation in jeopardy. It's better to admit right away you don't know what you're doing, rather than trying to put up a convincing front. Otherwise, your colleagues will suspect you're a fraud, and it will be impossible to regain their confidence. When you really think about it, it's not you're fault you're ill-prepared. Demand more instruction.

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You've always been good at starting projects, but have difficulty following through with them. Resist the temptation to venture into unknown territory to get away from an increasingly difficult situation. If you're struggling with a stale romance, you need to start courting your beloved as if you were just beginning to date. Just because you're comfortable with each other doesn't mean you can't rekindle your passion for one another.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You're usually very perceptive, but you can't begin to imagine what your friends are thinking. Their behaviour has become a complete mystery to you, and with good reason. You've been focused on spiritual matters, while they're preoccupied with material concerns. It's hard for you to reconcile these radically different views, but you must try anyway. Friendship is too precious to abandon due to philosophical differences.

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Putting yourself at the mercy of the public's wishes will cause trouble in the bedroom. You can't be all things to all people, so just focus on satisfying your lover. If you're on your own, it may be because you aren't asserting your true personality enough. People can sense when you're putting on an act. The next time you're in a social setting, express your opinions firmly and freely. You'll be a lot more popular!

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Stop fooling yourself with regard to how much work a certain project will require. Although you're undeniably bright and efficient, there's only so much one person can do. If you agree to abide by the proposed deadline, you'll find yourself floundering in a sea of hot water. Don't worry about appearing lazy to your superiors. Once the job gets underway, they'll realise how unreasonable their demands were. Take a stand!

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Your lover isn't being completely honest with you, and it's time to put your foot down. Otherwise, your relationship will become increasingly mired in unhappiness and distrust. If you're on your own, it may be because you're suppressing your sensual side. And while it's admirable you want to be prim and proper, it wouldn't hurt to loosen up just a little in social settings. You can let your hair down after hours!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Your family upbringing is clouding your judgment; please remember that "normal" is a subjective term. Teaming up with somebody who has a radically different background will result in some disturbing revelations. The fact is, every family has certain blind spots. By recognising yours, you can break a destructive cycle that has been holding you back for years. Don't be afraid to face down stubborn taboos, especially ones of the sexual variety.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your ideas won't get results unless you put them to the test. In the beginning, onlookers may ridicule you. That's the price you have to pay for being an innovator, but don't worry your daring ways will gain popularity once people see what marvellous results they bring. If you've been stuck in a romantic rut, you may want to polish your approach. Ask advice from someone who has always been lucky in love.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Imposing impossible standards on a romantic partner is a recipe for disaster. If you're really honest with yourself, you'll see you're incapable of meeting these requirements, too. Stop acting like a law enforcement officer and start being true to that caring, tender person that's hiding inside. All this posturing may be a way to defend yourself from possible rejection. Abandon your armour for the sake of love; it's worth the risk.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Although you've always prided yourself on valuing the spiritual over the material, something's got to change. You need to make some concessions if you're going to meet your physical needs. Taking a job that you don't like may be the only way you can meet your bills. Don't look on this as a prison sentence. The sooner you reconcile yourself to this fate, the less odious your circumstances will seem.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Keeping your activities a secret will drive a wedge between you and your loved ones. Maybe you're ashamed of your behaviour. Perhaps you think your friends won't understand what you've been doing. It's even possible you've been trying to put some distance between you and your friends. Whatever the reason for your deception, it has to stop now. Otherwise, you will be left to your own devices at the very moment you need help.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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