
Don't make promises you cannot keep or any happiness cum gratitude will be short lived. A relative may confide something to you. Don't retort with an 'I told you so.' Such admonitions are rarely helpful. Try to work with the situation as it currently exists. Someday, this person will be in a position to return the favour to you. This is a wonderful chance to show how really caring you are beneath that tough exterior.

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Watch what you say and watch what you eat or temptation will cause a communicational blockage. Just because you feel strongly about a subject doesn't mean that others must support your beliefs. In fact, someone could express contempt for an idea you're intent on imposing. Instead of getting defensive, back off. After all, you'd hate it if others tried to convert you to their views.

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Having more money than sense doesn't mean you've got either so be sensible with both! A thoughtless tryst with a virtual stranger will be more trouble than it's worth. If you yearn for intimacy, work on your existing relationships. You always like to keep things light, but even you need to broach serious subjects sometimes. Confide your fears in someone who is a good and discreet listener.

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Something's only a bargain if you really need it otherwise it's a waste of money. A joint fund could be the source of great disagreement. It's better to separate your dough so you won't have to rehash the same argument over and over again. If that means taking a smaller portion than was originally earmarked for you then that's because you allowed things to go on too long. Your emotional health doesn't carry a price tag.

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A chancer is in your midst which means whatever is said is prone to exaggeration. It's hard to break a habit when you're surrounded by bad influences. Keep your distance from any mischief makers until you have gained control of the situation. In cases like this, you have to make your health the priority above all else. If folk are hurt by your attitude, so be it. They should have been more supportive.

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Money doesn't grow on trees so be discerning in what you buy or it may be the last straw. Judge not lest ye shall be judged, so the Good Book says, remember that when you see someone who is struggling to survive. You don't know them or their circumstances. Extending a kind hand is better for your soul than playing God. Spreading nasty rumours will only win you an army of enemies.

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Words are cheap unless there is action behind them so pin your hopes on nothing until it happens. The fine art of conversation involves listening as well as talking. If you find yourself dominating others verbally tone it down a wee bit. A quiet declaration will make a bigger impact than a dramatic announcement. If travelling check that a bargain holiday doesn't involve hidden costs.

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Promise you will take off somewhere tranquil and gather your thoughts together. I understand that although you want nothing more than to spend some quiet time by yourself, it isn't always possible. That's why I made you promise! Trying to do too much mentally means you'll feel you've let yourself and everyone else down; take one step at a time and measure each achievement on its own merits.

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Wrong advice even from an expert urges me to say, get a second opinion please. A shared bank account could take a serious beating when an unexpected expense comes up. Take a few deep breaths and don't panic. With a little juggling here and there and by imposing immediate cash restraints, you can avoid accumulating debt. Take care your partner isn't the one leading into a precarious pecuniary position.

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Promises are easier made than kept so take what's said today with a pinch of salt. Blushing or being offended at an innocent question is the wrong way to work through a problem. This query goes right to the source of an inner fear. If this is the case, own up to it. People will help you to sort through your feelings and put your anxieties to rest if they know. It's all right to lean on other people.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You have to make a choice whether to work or play, so what is your priority now? Jumping to conclusions about a newcomer is a mistake. Not only will you be doing this person a disservice, you will be depriving yourself of a very good friend. At times you have a tendency to feel morally superior to others. By relaxing this attitude, you'll be able to enjoy the company of others more freely.

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Money can't buy you love and if you try to prove this saying wrong you'll be the poorer. You've always had a special weakness for strays, but the person you're tempted to help isn't worth the effort. Be good to yourself instead and keep your hard-earned cash in the bank. Opportunists have burned you before. Break the cycle today. If you want to be a force for good lend a hand to a pet charity.

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