
It's time to clear up any misunderstandings with your best friend, romantic partner or business associate. Lately, it feels like you've been at cross purposes. Now you have an opportunity to apologise for anything you may have done or said. Instead of being defensive, open your heart. When your friend realises you truly want to make amends, they'll end their stubborn silence. This is not a good time to sign an agreement with someone new, but you can commit to a person you've been with before.

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You'll be asked to revise a project. This is a terrible disappointment, as you worked very hard on this venture. Take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Once you reapply yourself, your resentment will disappear. It will become possible to make radical improvements. By the time you resubmit this assignment, you'll feel much better about it. When others ask you to make changes, it's not a personal attack. The reason you have your position is that you are capable and skilled. Never forget it.

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Returning to a hobby you enjoyed as a youngster will be rewarding. Don't be surprised when this activity triggers some powerful memories. People and places you haven't thought about for years will suddenly spring back into your thoughts. This can be either delightful or worrisome. Instead of suppressing your feelings, allow them to flow through you. You've come a long way since those days. Take pride in your accomplishments and then set goals for the future. The best is yet to be.

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You're questioning fundamental beliefs you have held since childhood. Some relatives are threatened by this. You don't have to defend your actions. After having experiences radically different from what you were told to expect, it is only natural you would revise some opinions. If others have a problem with your new outlook, that's too bad. You don't owe anyone explanations for growing and changing. When it feels like you're being attacked, ask a sympathetic friend for support.

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Although you hate having to adjust to last minute changes, it will be necessary. You may find people rescheduling a meeting, which is incredibly inconvenient. Instead of complaining, try to go with the flow. If you can't possibly accommodate this change, be honest. Attending a family event is more important than work commitments. If your boss can't accept this, that's too bad. You have your priorities straight. Stick to your guns. Establishing healthy boundaries will stop future abuses.

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A lack of resources puts you in an uncomfortable position. You'll have to make excuses for not being able to execute tasks in an impressive way. Keep your head held high. Nobody can blame you for being forced to make bricks from straw. Are you tired of working for a cheap operation? Start looking for a new employer. It will take time to find a better position. Landing a lucrative job at a law firm, estate agents or a public relations company is a strong possibility.

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The old approach is no longer working. It's time to mix things up. In the past, you were content to stay in the background, letting others set the agenda. Now you must be more assertive. If that means contradicting an intimidating colleague or official, so be it. They may have more experience, but your instincts are better. Knowing how to pull off a public event with panache is your speciality. All your choices are perfect. Eventually, your achievements will be undeniable.

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You're anxious to see the fruits of your labour, but they won't arrive for another few weeks. Instead of obsessing over the future, turn your attention to something you can control. Are you looking for work? Send out a slew of job applications. Do you want to get in better shape? Launch an exercise regime. Are you tired of your surroundings? Redecorate your least favourite room. Keeping busy will help you relax. Your laid-back attitude will attract abundance.

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Make some alternations to your social circle. A friend who has been abusing your generosity doesn't have your best interests at heart. Breaking off this alliance will give you time and energy for the people who truly do care. You've always been open minded and gregarious. This allows opportunists to slip beneath your radar. Be more discerning about the company you keep. This will save you a lot of heartache and aggravation. If people accuse of snobbery, shrug and smile.

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Projecting a more polished image will cause your star to rise. If you are very self-conscious, work with a public speaking coach. Learning strategies for overcoming nervousness will be effective. You might also want to talk to a stylish Libra about choosing clothes that make you feel confident. With their help, you can assemble a professional wardrobe that commands admiration and respect. When you dress for success, you'll attract bigger and better opportunities.

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You've neglected some important details, which has resulted in mistakes. Stop what you're doing and check your work. You'll be able to correct errors that reflect badly on you. Instead of getting defensive about these missteps, treat them as learning opportunities. Take a refresher course in an area that gives you trouble. Show your work to a detail oriented Gemini before submitting it for approval. Slow the pace of your work so you can perfect it. Slowly but surely, improvements will occur.

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Instead of burying your head in the sand, it's time to face the truth of your financial situation. Make a list of all your debts. See if they can be consolidated. You might even be able to eliminate the interest rate. These days, creditors are anxious to get their money back as quickly as possible. Cutting a good deal could save you lots of cash. It will also allow you to fulfil your obligations quickly. Getting out of the red and into the black will be incredibly empowering.

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