
Digging up secret information will be illuminating. Once you discover what a person's true motives are, you'll be able to outwit them. It's important to get the best deal you can. Getting what you want will be easy if you pad your request with extras you can't possibly get. Your opponent will quickly cross these items off your wish list, leaving you with exactly the things you really want. Even a forthright person like you can occasionally benefit from being crafty.

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Lean on your best friend or romantic partner for help with a financial matter. Your loved one will have valuable insight as to how to make the most of your earnings. If you haven't opened a retirement or savings account, now is the time to do so. You're a practical person who needs money in the bank to relax. Are you struggling with the way a joint account should be used? It may be best to have three different funds: Yours, mine and ours.

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When explaining your opinions bolster your position with facts and figures. Draw on studies performed by respected institutions and organisations. Don't rely on public relations statements to change people's minds; they're not fact, just opinion. The more detailed your assessment, the easier it will be to get your way. This is also a good time to fill out detailed paperwork. If you're not sure how to answer a question, contact the institution in question. An official will be help you fill in the forms properly.

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You shouldn't hesitate to promote your accomplishments. There's a difference between bragging and advocating. A wonderful moneymaking opportunity is within your grasp. You have the right experience and training for this work. Don't expect to be handed this position on the strength of your CV. You must use your powers of persuasion to outshine the competition. Speak passionately about your favourite causes. Your conviction will make a great impression on a prospective employer.

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Attending to domestic chores will be productive. It's a good time to contact a repair professional or fix broken items on your own. If you need the name of a good plumber, electrician or contractor, ask for references via social media. When you see several people recommend the same person or company, you can be sure you'll get good service. It may be necessary to pay more than you expected, but the quality workmanship will be a good investment.

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Your charm and wit open doors. If you're looking for love, you'll find it with someone who is delighted by your amusing remarks. Don't let this romantic interest get away before you exchange phone numbers. Normally, you prefer being pursued. Taking control of the situation will be empowering. Are you already in a relationship? Communicate your desires to your amour. They'll be happy to accommodate you with a gift, favour or passionate encounter. The sky is the limit, so aim high.

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It's a good time to negotiate a deal. You'll get much better terms than originally offered if you appear indifferent to the outcome. Someone who thinks you have better prospects will work hard to get your business. Are you overdue for a raise? Make your demands known. Don't get drawn into an argument about what you deserve. You're one of the most capable people in the organisation. Your employer will move heaven and earth to keep you. Stick to your guns.

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You should get straight to the point. A refusal to face the facts has made a bad situation worse. Your willingness to address a sensitive matter will earn the respect of both peers and superiors. It may be necessary to reassign a job to another member of the team. Someone who is out of their depth can't be trusted with such an important task. It gives you no pleasure to cast light on another person's shortcomings, but it has to be done.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Keeping a secret will be difficult. You hate hiding the facts. Telling the truth will do more harm than good. It's better to err on the side of protecting an innocent victim. Eventually, they'll find the facts. Right now, your friend needs to believe in an illusion to move forward. Maintain the facade. The less you discuss this issue, the better. Steer the conversation to more innocent subjects, like music, movies and books. The time to reveal painful truths will come later. Fortunately, it won't be your job.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your ideas are ahead of the curve. It will take time to convince the group of their merit. Usually, people are used to you being cautious. They'll be amazed at your desire to try something new. This change of heart is practical. You realise the old ways are no longer effective or profitable. Unless you pick up your pace now, you'll be left behind. Don't let a competitor steal your thunder. Fortunately, your peers admire your business sense and will be willing to follow your advice.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You have a mind like a steel trap. If someone tries to talk their way out of a deal, be ready to remind them of the original agreement. It's not your fault they promised more than they are willing to deliver. Be willing to file a lawsuit. By making it clear you mean business, you'll get everything you were told you would receive. You don't like playing hardball, but it's sometimes necessary. People who fail to fulfil their obligations need to be challenged.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your upbeat attitude wins support. No matter what difficulties you face, smile. Offer to wheel and deal with an unpleasant character. Do the best you can with limited resources. Someone who observes your behaviour will offer you a great job. They admire the way you don't get discouraged by insurmountable odds. This ability will make you successful in virtually every area of life, especially business. If you are given a chance to work for a commission, grab it.

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