
You have nothing to lose by listening carefully to what your boss or a senior colleague has to say. You don't have to agree with them but if you look as if you're interested and paying attention, you will gain their respect. Someone who has more experience could provide some useful tips and ideas to get a job you're working on moving. A community venture doesn't seem to be having as much success but it might be worthwhile sticking with it for a wee while longer.

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You might watch in awe as a friend or loved one's current policy of pursuing high goals and objectives starts to pay off. There may be some regret that you gave in to caution and held back in the past, now you see what might have been achieved, had you made a different decision. Even so, you were right in making the choice you did for the time for there's no guarantee anyway would have shared the same sort of success.

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Resist the urge to return an unwanted gift to the store it was bought from or to return an item you damaged. It's never a good idea to try underhanded methods and these could lead to some embarrassment. Tell yourself it's the thought and not the gift that counts, keep it for a reasonable length of time then donate it to charity. If you're working or you have an important appointment, even if someone else keeps you waiting, make a point of being punctual and polite yourself.

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Is a partner doing their fair share within joint commitments or is it you who has been shirking responsibilities lately? Whichever it is now is the time to take stock of your relationships. Are they how they should be or could improvements be made? It's not just you but your partner you should be directing these questions to. The answers could lead you to make an extra bit of effort to bring greater harmony and happiness into your world.

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Just because you've had words with your partner, doesn't mean you have to separate. You could be overreacting and imagining a small misunderstanding is going to ruin all the plans you've been making for the future. Your best plan of action is to apologise even if this means giving in and letting your significant other, have their own way. The dint in your pride is worth it if it helps get things between you back to normal.

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It will be both rewarding and necessary to pay attention to close friends and work associates. You might help someone avoid making a big mistake if you keep a close eye on what they're up to. At first they will resent your interference but when they realise you do know what you're talking about and you're about to save them a lot of bother they will soon change their tune. The more positive and direct you are in your relationships, the better the outcome will be.

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Psychological undercurrents make it hard for you to pick up on other people's true thoughts and feelings. You might think you know what's going on in their mind but you could be wrong. The best way to avoid misunderstandings is to ask detailed questions in a tactful way so it doesn't look as if you are prying. Another person's secretiveness could generate one or two problems in relationships but you will find a way to get them to talk.

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If you're making plans for the future, you could be put in a position where you must make immediate choices. Don't take the most risky ones because you feel this is what other people are expecting. Impulsive decisions could cause more problems than enough in time to come. Instead make a quick check of all that needs to be weighed up and make a sensible choice without feeling too flustered.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A spin off from your bright and philosophical way of accepting things will be an awesome offer or opportunity. You won't mind taking on new responsibilities even when these are likely to be harder than anything else you've ever done. Your past achievements give you the confidence to give something new and exciting a go. You can only do your best so what have you got to lose?

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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If you're disappointed things aren't going too well, the fastest way to feel better is to amend your thinking. You're spending too long looking on the dark side and have forgotten some recent very positive happenings in your life. Refuse to dwell on past hurts and unwarranted fears. They are stopping you from finding true happiness. In romance, it isn't necessary to bring up painful issues from the past. No-one needs reminding of these. It's time to move forward now.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Trying to rush people or projects will not quicken the process; in fact your impatience could slow others down. If you're working alongside someone who is fixed and stubborn in their ways, they will become even more so if you try to get them to speed up. If you're responsible for making joint arrangements, choose people you get on with for the next part of the task. Ideas you're currently working on could affect more people than you had first thought.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You might wish you had more time to spend on activities you love and enjoy. Is there no way you can reduce your everyday commitments? You could get started on a new personal project or artistic endeavour but you must be willing to make room in your life for new ventures. Once you've decided what to do, make sure everyone knows your objectives. Discussing them out loud makes them feel more real and attainable.

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