
Be thorough and diligent in everything and you will be credited with success. Cut corners or be slipshod and your reputation will suffer and so will your finances. Show you are a worker, are conscientious and are a perfectionist at heart and you will impress people in power and those in a position to help you up the ladder of life.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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A glamorous Saturday is in the stars so whatever you see as Ritz and glitz should be caressed with both hands. Theatre, romance, music, dance are just some of the things on offer - stay at home in front of the box and you'll miss out on something or someone gorgeous and if you do don't come complaining to me. Life is for living so live yours to the full today.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're severely restricted by responsibility or duty. So are these rules and regulations of your own making so you've now been hoist by your own petard? Whatever is going on you need some lighter moments and a chance to chill. That chance comes this evening so if you want to sit in a mope then that's your choice but your popularity will drop like a stone.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Where there's a will there's a way and that must be your motto today. I am worried you will listen too much to others and not enough to your own heart. People cannot live their life through you nor can you live yours through them. You can be the architect of your own destiny from this weekend on and if I were you and would grasp the chance to make something of your world with both hands.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Such an adorable Saturday evening cluster of stars that I want you to get carried away on the cloud of fantasy that hovers over your head. I don't care what you do or how you do, just so long as whoever does it with you is consenting. This is also a radiant time for reconciliation if you want to give love a second chance or forgive and forget you can do it now.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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There's a saying - it's tough at the top but what annoys you is, it's tough at the bottom too. But have faith in your convictions and talents for the more purposeful and pedantic you are the further you will go. Nobody likes a loser so stop behaving like one, you have success written all over your face and it's just a matter of time before you brilliance will out and then you'll find it's till tough at the top but at least you'll have something to show for it.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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One of the most glorious weekends star-wise and potentially it can introduce you to so many things that you've always wanted to try but never really dare! Come on a little bit of naughty but nice stuff is what you need. You insist you're not a prude so why do you act like one? Let your hair down and enjoy the thrill of it all whatever thrills you most.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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The Mars/Saturn link in your house of psychological and sexual happenings makes for a soul-searching day. You can either brood on what you don't understand about yourself or you can do something about it. That means instead of going into denial take whatever is at your disposal to get to know yourself a wee bit more than you do. Once you do, then you will be liberated from fear.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Sometimes living with someone can be very tiring even downright exhausting and the Achilles Heel of a close relationship is very likely to be exposed this weekend. Instead of covering it up and assume all will be well use this time to consider the importance of a certain person in your life. There's no denying it will change your affair but nothing remains the same forever.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You hate time wasters, can't abide a fool and despise people who are irresponsible all of which will test your patience today. There is a lesson to be learned however, and that is sometimes you can expect too much from people. Your standards are so high that you don't understand those who can't reach them. Today is a lesson in tolerance for you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Beat yourself up too much and you will feel guilty or embarrassed about enjoying life. But this weekend is about rewarding yourself and indulging in those things your parents or society tells you is bad for you or not-on. Flout convention; wallow in laughter and pleasure so you don’t forget what it’s like to experience the sheer joy of what the world has to offer.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Playing around with colour, smells and fabrics in whatever you fancy will turn you on sensually. Of course you could get romantic and sexy by smothering you or your amour in massage oils or rolling in silk or satin. But if that seems all too much for you or you haven't anyone to share the experience with then add something exotic or erotic to where you live, it'll be just as sensational.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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