
Your self-confidence soars, making it an ideal time to promote a bold idea, go on a job interview or ask for a date. Recently, you were accused of being pushy; that won't be the case now. People are eager for change. They're receptive to your warm dynamism. Opposition will disappear and it will be easy to put a project in motion. If you've been having difficulty on the romance front, a newcomer will change that. This attractive person shares your pioneer spirit, making an ideal partner.

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Adopting a lower profile will conserve your energy. You don't want to have all your actions scrutinised. It's more rewarding to develop projects in secret. When you work to suit yourself, you'll enjoy impressive breakthroughs. By the time you are finished, your excellence will be obvious to everyone, even the harshest critics. If you've recently embarked on a relationship, don't go public with it. Enjoy your privacy for a little longer. There is plenty of time to declare your love to the world.

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Assuming leadership of an unusual group will be lots of fun. You enjoy working with highly creative people who aren't worried about public approval. It will be your job to ensure everybody meets their respective deadlines. In some cases, you'll have to heap individuals with flattery. In others, you should be stern. Your excellent insights will let you know which approach to take. When your group achieves victory, you'll be given full credit. You have a knack for bringing out the best in everyone.

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Fame and acclaim will be awarded to you. You have distinctive leadership style that is very effective. While everybody else is trying to copy successful models, you're busy creating new ways of doing things. Conservative types are sceptical of your suggestions, teasing you for the most innovative ideas. You'll have the last laugh when a bold concept becomes the popular new standard. The secret to your success is your uncanny intuition. You have great instincts about what the public wants.

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You'll get a chance to expand your horizons. Accept an opportunity to travel or study, even if it means finding someone else to assume your responsibilities while you're busy. You're always so generous with your time; a loving friend or relative will be happy to return the favour. Visiting a country that is off the beaten path or learning about an unusual subject will be inspiring. This experience could even lead to a teaching job. You'll enjoy sharing your impressions with students who are eager to learn from you.

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A close relationship fills you with courage. Having the unconditional love of a romantic partner or best friend makes it easy to take risks. Instead of telling yourself you can't possibly accomplish a goal, you'll become totally focused on reaching this milestone. Learning a trade, reaching a fitness goal or entering a contest are among the possibilities. When self-doubt creeps in, lean on your other half for support. They'll be happy to cheer you across the finish line.

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An unusual business or romantic partnership paves the way to success. You'll benefit from joining forces with someone who is determined to break ground. Their pioneer spirit, combined with your charm, is a winning combination. If you already have a partner, your other half will get a surprising raise. You'll benefit from their good fortune. Taking a trip or investing in a new car or entertainment system will give you both pleasure. Be sure to celebrate your good fortune over a special dinner.

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An exciting job offer fills you with hope. You'll enjoy taking a position that forces you to think on your feet. Your ability to meet the special needs of different clients will be greatly appreciated by your employer. Don't be surprised if you're given a series of bonuses as thanks for your hard work. A nagging ache or pain could disappear after changing employers. Perfect health can flourish when you feel valued and appreciated. It's an unwritten law of the Universe.

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An unusual creative project will attract favourable attention. Putting an innovative spin on an old tradition generates excitement. People who admire your modern sensibilities will ask you to make similar pieces for them. If you're single, you'll find love with one of your biggest fans. They adore your boundless optimism, while you appreciate their passion for life. Together, you'll reach heights you never dreamed possible. Do you already have a partner? Let them promote your work at every opportunity.

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If you want to improve your living situation, this is the best time of the entire year to do so. Be open to exploring neighbourhoods that aren't on your list of favourites. You could find a beautiful place that is easily affordable. Although this spot won't be in the most fashionable part of the world, it will meet all your needs. It pays to have an open mind when looking at property. Are you happy with your current abode? Take this opportunity to upgrade the electrical system.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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There's never been a better time to brainstorm. Instead of filling your time with routine tasks, turn your attention to a compelling idea that has been tugging at your subconscious. Inventing a gadget, devising an ambitious masterplan for your future or even composing music will give you great pleasure. It will also put you in the spotlight. Everyone will want to know who created such an impressive piece of work. Don't be surprised if you are interviewed for a newspaper, website or blog.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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An unusual moneymaking opportunity is worth your time. Don't hesitate to accept a job offer in an unfamiliar field. You'll quickly learn the ropes and develop a strong affection for this work. Having a steady income will give you the resources for a new appliance or car. If you're not sure exactly which model will best serve your needs, talk to a tech savvy Gemini or Aquarius. They'll lead you to the perfect purchase. This acquisition will give you years of superior service.

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