
You may have a little more money in your pocket, but don't be so quick to spend it. Having funds in a savings account will give you a greater measure of independence. All of a sudden, it will be much easier to take chances. You've always been a pioneer. Now you have an opportunity to venture into new territory with relatively little to lose. Savour this feeling. A well meaning male friend may try to talk you out of a different course.

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A stubborn attitude could get you in trouble with an authority figure. You need to be more flexible. Go ahead and voice your concerns, but then concede to the powers that be. The proposed course of action has lots of merits. Granted, it's different from what you'd like to do, but it does pose some interesting challenges. Be willing to learn a new software program or master some cutting edge technology.

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Finding a way to apply your knowledge could be difficult. Basic skills are needed now. Let someone with experience show you how to handle technical equipment. Acting like you're too important for little jobs will make you very unpopular. At this point, you can't afford to make enemies. If you do a good job, you could be given a nice reward, like a gift certificate or time off. A steamy encounter with a loved one is favoured later this evening.

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You won't get much help from friends and colleagues. If you're given a job, you'll have to do it all by yourself. Stay focused and disciplined. Avoid time wasting activities like surfing the Internet or gossiping around the photocopier. A charismatic colleague could take a romantic interest in you. Play hard to get at first and they'll love the challenge. Besides, you need to learn more about a person before getting involved. A legal matter could be decided soon.

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An emotional outburst could get you in trouble with a loved one. You need to stay cool, calm and collected to remain in their good graces. If something doesn't go your way, take a deep breath and try working with the powers that be to find a remedy. If you're forced to accept an inferior product, you can always write a letter of complaint to the management. In the meantime, be pleasant and agreeable with underlings who are forced to carry out silly policies.

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Work may not be very fulfilling. It's possible you'll be given an unpleasant assignment. Instead of complaining, just roll up your sleeves and dive in. The sooner you finish this job, the happier you'll be. Chances are this is only a temporary arrangement. If it isn't, talk with your boss. Ask for these duties to be spread evenly among your colleagues. It's not fair to ask one person to do all the drudgery. If this situation doesn't change, start looking for a new position.

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Don't let time slip away from you, or you could miss an important meeting. It may be necessary to cancel a fun appointment for the sake of work. If your boss begs you to cover a shift on your day off, accept. Your willing attitude will put you in line for promotion. Reward yourself with a relaxing evening at home. Enjoying a good meal with your nearest and dearest will cause all of your stress to melt away.

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A tendency to overreact could cause problems on the home front. Be ready to accept some gentle teasing. This is just your family's way of showing affection. If you're really hurt by the comments you hear, wait an hour or two before approaching your tormentor. Ask them in polite, rational tones to stop, explaining how their remarks make you feel. Your forceful way with words makes people sit up and take notice.

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Don't exaggerate your talents, or you'll be put in an embarrassing situation. It's better to err on the side of modesty. Take an authority figure's words with a pinch of salt. They won't be able to deliver on half their promises. A resourceful use of materials will attract bigger and better opportunities. Don't spend any money unless it's absolutely necessary. Getting people to donate materials and services will cut costs and put you in good standing with your boss.

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Your forceful personality attracts lots of romantic interest. If you're already in a relationship, be sure to praise your partner's creative efforts. You may not realise it, but your amour really respects your opinion. Resist the urge to spend lots of money to impress somebody. If they really like you, they won't care how much money you make. A job which sounds too good to be true probably is. Stick to the tried and true.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You can't be all things to all people; so it's better to tell a client or lover the truth than set them up for disappointment. If you can't deliver something by a certain date, be honest. At first they may try to freeze you out, but they'll eventually come around. In the meantime, focus on spending time on the activities you love. Gardening, pottery, or jewellery making could be enjoyable. Working with your hands keeps worry and stress at bay.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Be sure to attend a social event, as you will meet some powerful people. You're a pretty solitary person. This can sometimes inhibit you from entering conversations. By pushing yourself just a little, you can have a wonderful time. Having a list of interesting questions will help you break the ice. People are always receptive when somebody takes interest in their hobbies. Be ready to discuss your favourite books and movies, too.

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