
Don't let an adherence to rules and regulations get in the way of the big picture. There are always exceptions to every law. If a colleague is undergoing personal difficulties, cut them some slack. You may want to arrange with other colleagues to cover their shift until they have this situation sorted. In the meantime, beware of responding too quickly to emails or phone messages or you could say something you'll later regret.

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You may not approve of someone's attitude towards money but the sooner you stop passing judgement, the easier your relationship will become. Just because you don't agree with a person's priorities doesn't mean you can treat them with scorn and derision. By giving everybody the respect they are due, their shortcomings will seem less annoying. Besides, you could probably stand to put less importance on finance. Relationships are more precious than money, although you can't measure them in the same way.

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You're not the final authority on a family matter, so don't act like you are. An older relative has more experience with this sort of problem. Remember to take their views into account before issuing an ultimatum. If an older relative is making unfair demands, put them straight. Until you stand up to them, they'll never respect you. You're sick and tired of hearing jokes at your expense. What you don't realise is your relative is jealous of your talent.

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Taking in an appliance or car for repairs puts a crimp in your schedule. If there's anything you hate, it's waiting around to get a diagnosis from a technician or mechanic. Make the process more bearable by taking along a big book or an MP3 player to pass the time. Take some sandwiches, snacks and something to drink in case you have to skip lunch. Nothing is worse than biding your time when your blood sugar has dwindled to zero.

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You won't have much money to go out and socialise. Fortunately, you can still have a good time at home. It's just a matter of taking extra pains to make your surroundings beautiful. Eat dinner by candlelight. Play soothing music while luxuriating in the bath. Make a special dessert for the one you love. Sure, there will be a few extra steps involved, but they'll make all the difference. You don't have to have a lot of money to feel pampered.

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Your pessimistic attitude rubs an older person up the wrong way. They're tired of having to cajole you into trying something new. Don't be surprised when you learn your friend has made plans without you. It's not that they no longer care for you; it's just because they are tired of you raining on their parade. If you're looking for a job, it may be difficult to find exactly the position you want. Be willing to lower your sights for the sake of getting your foot in the door.

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In many ways, you are being your own worst enemy. Although you know it's time to take a risk of some sort, you keep talking yourself out of it. This is leading to a terrible stalemate. Remember you will never reach your goals if you keep buying into your worst case scenarios. Even if you do fail miserably, so what? It's better to try than to always wonder what might have been. Summon your courage and take the first step on your journey.

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An older friend isn't comfortable with your displays of emotion. They may have been brought up in a repressive household where expressing one's feelings was frowned upon. Try toning things down just a little when you're in their company. In time, they'll come to appreciate your passionate approach to life. They might even let down their defences with you. Until then, give your friend lots of space and don't expect them to let down their guard just yet.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Facing off with an authority figure will end in disaster. You'll just get a ticket or be forced to appear in court if you challenge a police officer's authority. Yes, you're probably right in principle, but that won't hold much weight in court. A testy judge is used to having a parade of defendants make excuses for their aggressive behaviour. You won't seem any more special or clever than they. Save yourself trouble by steering clear of the law.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You won't be able to get much work done today. Household chores have been piling up, and this is the first opportunity you have to tackle them. Unfortunately, a family matter will force you to face off with an irresponsible relative. While you're busy setting them straight, the pantry will remain bare. Don't be too hard on yourself. Order a pizza, turn your underwear inside out, and clear a space on the couch. Pushing yourself to do chores will just result in burnout.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Delays with a refund, inheritance, or legal settlement put a crimp in your budget. Fortunately, you've never been much of a spendthrift. Living on a budget comes easily to you. What you resent is being held fast by a bunch of paper pushers. Try not to dwell on your anger. Turning your attention to a writing project will ease your frustrations. Revealing your vulnerable side will cause a much needed power shift in an intimate relationship. You can't always be the one in charge.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're sick and tired of a friend or partner's negativity. As a general rule, you're a pretty optimistic person but it's hard to be upbeat when all you hear is complaints. Perhaps a temporary separation will be helpful. Contrary to your loved one's beliefs, you are an extremely capable person. Going your own way will show just how strong you are. You can handle any challenge that comes your way. Maybe your success will prevent your friend from belittling your abilities.

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