
Consult your relatives or roommate before making a major decision regarding your household. You can't afford to alienate your nearest and dearest now. A romance may be wreaking havoc with your personal life. It feels like everybody wants your attention. When you spend time with one camp, the other gets upset. It's totally understandable for you to want to devote yourself to your amour. Unfortunately, young children can't comprehend this desire, and may take it as a personal rejection.

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Transportation problems may abound. It's hard to maintain your composure when your path is blocked at every turn. At some point, it may be better to reschedule an appointment than force yourself through the crowd. Make sure you have your mobile and friend's contact information before leaving the house. A colleague could try to get a rise out of you with teasing remarks. Turn a deaf ear to these idiotic remarks. You have bigger fish to fry.

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Putting too much emphasis on money could be making you miserable. While it's understandable you want creature comforts which are beyond your means, you must keep these desires in perspective. Obsessing over them will make you forget all of the blessings you currently enjoy, material and otherwise. Find ways to amuse yourself that don't cost a fortune. Incredible as it sounds, a trip to the library can be just as satisfying as a night on the town.

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A stubborn attitude will get you in lots of trouble with a relative. This person has tried to bend to your demands and can no longer bear the pressure. It's possible you're feeling pressure from your boss and are taking it out on your loved ones. If this is the case, offer an immediate apology and work to change your ways. There are better outlets for your frustration. Exercising or writing in a diary are great stress busters.

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Watch your back, as there may be secret enemies working against you. It sounds dramatic, but it could very well be true. People are jealous of your warmth, talent, and youthful energy. It's no wonder they see you as a threat to their livelihoods. If they only understood what a generous spirit you have, they might be tempted to change their tune. Unfortunately, they've fallen prey to their fears, and may use you as a scapegoat. Be scrupulous and straightforward in everything you do.

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Friends may be goading you into reckless behaviour. This is one of the rare times you become vulnerable to peer pressure. You're tired of being labelled the practical one. Doing something reckless seems like a great way to break out of pigeonhole in which you've been stuffed. What you may not realise is your personal and financial security could be at stake here. Winning everybody's approval simply isn't worth the risk. There will be other chances to make your mark.

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It's best to keep a low profile when it comes to business conflicts. Injecting your opinion will only make a bad situation worse. If your boss puts you on the spot, make a diplomatic but noncommittal remark. It isn't fair to put you in this position; given this person has so much power over you. In the event you're being pressured to do something that goes against your ethics, put your foot down. You can't jeopardise your reputation for the sake of making your superiors happy.

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Beware of tangling with legal, educational, and cultural institutions. An innocent protest could turn into an angry confrontation with little provocation. Tempers are running high, and you can't afford to be in the middle of this action. In the event you do get in trouble, have a game plan to get out. Having the name of a good lawyer can limit the kind of punishment you would otherwise have imposed on you.

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Arguments over joint finances could try your patience. You just wish this issue would be decided, for once and for all. It doesn't look like you'll find a resolution today, so occupy yourself with other tasks. Don't get drawn into an argument with a partner, or you'll just make things worse. Cooler heads will prevail in a few days. Until then, you need to stay focused on being as productive and responsible as you can. Friends offer valuable moral support.

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Reaching a compromise with a romantic or business partner may be virtually impossible. The two of you are coming at this problem from totally different angles. Insisting on getting your way will only make things worse. Take care to discuss this matter outside the earshot of children and colleagues or you could lose their respect. A woman who is usually sympathetic to you may be short tempered. Steer clear of this lady, especially if you want to keep your relationship intact.

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A health problem could rear its ugly head. You've been trying to downplay your discomfort for the past few weeks, but it's no longer an option. Schedule an appointment with a health care professional now, before this situation spirals out of control. Stop telling yourself they can't do without you at home or work. Your nearest and dearest will be forced to adapt while you recuperate. Remember, you're a human being, not a machine.

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Children may be hard to control and at times like these, it's probably best to let them loose in the park, where they can burn off their frustrations on the playground. If that's not an option, arrange a big project and assign everybody jobs. After all the initial moaning dies down, everyone will become engrossed in work. Folding laundry, chopping vegetables, cleaning up all are within the range of their abilities. Giving them responsibilities will force them to summon their maturity.

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