
You aren't in the mood if plans include giving your home a face-lift or finishing jobs already started about the house. Rather than getting on with something you don't want to do, why not leave these a wee while longer? You'd only be impatient to get the job done and there is no easy way to cut corners. What you might enjoy doing today is writing and replying to emails and letters from friends you've not seen in ages.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You might rebel against restrictions of any kind today and this inclines you to act without consulting other people. An important decision needs to be made; this could have far-reaching consequences. You resist the need to check with your loved-ones and others who may be affected by new arrangements. Before taking any irreversible steps, it would be wise to do so. Where is your common sense today? Find it and use it!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Mistakes happen and a promised sum of money may not arrive as expected due to someone's recent carelessness. Or someone has miscalculated the amount everyone has to put into a group expenditure and they are now demanding more cash from you. Recent problems at home could mean you are being faced with a heavy bill. Outside demands and personal expenses seem to run your pockets dry.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You feel a need to escape and it won't take a lot to tempt you away from what you are doing. Friends and colleagues are making extra demands on your time. You feel this is an intrusion when you had other things planned. Group arrangements tend to be more expensive than anticipated and you feel the rewards aren't worth the outlay. All in all you just aren't finding it easy today.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Solo activities keep you out of the limelight. There is some stress in relationships and all you want now is some peace and quiet. If there are jobs you promised someone you would do, you might be making excuses now as to why you can't fulfil these obligations. You don't like to go back on your word but even if you were to do them, your heart wouldn't be in it anyway.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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A newcomer to your world is feeling slightly left out or friendless. Conversations involve people they don't know and plans they've not had anything to do with. If you make an extra effort to include them, they won't forget your consideration. This could be the start of a long-term friendship. A discussion with loved-ones this evening could prove educational for all concerned!

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Your thoughts are on a personal or professional goal; you wonder how you have veered so much off course. It might take some time but you should be able to get back on the right track again. Instead of continuing in the wrong direction, pause and do some thinking. Is there a place where you can find some peace, without interruptions? That's where you should be today.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Your manner is blunt and direct almost to the point of frostiness but people don't seem to mind. You want to get something done and others admire you for your determination. This is most noticeable when with friends or associates who find it hard to make their mind up. It may seem meddlesome to offer others help with their decision-making but they will be grateful for your advice. Don't hold back if you are being expected to take the lead.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Routine distractions are one thing you can do without but you have to get on with your usual business! Something needs to be examined in minute detail. Bank statements need to be checked after a recent error. You need to go through every receipt, cheque stub and invoice with a fine toothed comb. Don't take anything at face value. Even what has been presented to you from an official source may not be accurate and is not reliable.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You might feel you deserve greater recompense or recognition for your recent hard work. This is not the day to let other people know how you are feeling. Your success lies in being disciplined and organised. This, in the long-run will inspire others to have trust and confidence in you. Eventually you will get the outward approval you long for, and without you having to ask for it.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A comment someone made a few days ago once again rears its head; it will be silly to get upset or lose sleep over this. Your overactive imagination may have misinterpreted a casual remark and made it into something meaningful or distressing. If this in some way relates to career matters, stop worrying! You are in control of your life in this area. So don't listen to what others have to say.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Someone close has been avoiding problems; you are ready to bring up issues that need to be settled. In order to move on, joint agreements have to be made. This may ultimately mean a long-term commitment is made or you and a partner will be going your separate ways. Other people seem uptight and you don't feel good about the things you have to say but one way or another you're going to make them listen!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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