
Although you value your freedom, you will have to put your interests aside for the sake of a relationship. This makes you upset, but try to keep your anger under control. In the grand scheme of things, your loved one has helped you more than they've held you back. They've made similar sacrifices on your behalf. Instead of concentrating on the inconvenience they've caused, focus on all the happiness they've brought to your life. Don't let bitterness undermine a beneficial bond.

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You feel like you're out of step with the rest of the world. It's tempting to withdraw into a fantasy world. Resist this urge at all costs. Avoiding unpleasant realities will only make your situation worse. Summon your courage and confront someone who is causing dissention. You're very intimidating when you want to be. By challenging the source of the problem, you'll attract lots of supporters. You may not realise it, but many of your peers share your disgust.

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One of your most admirable traits is your insistence on marching to the beat of your own drum. Unfortunately, some of your actions adversely affect innocent people. When this happens, you should reconsider your behaviour. Think back to a time when someone was inconsiderate of you. Didn't you feel angry and powerless? Weren't you upset over being treated in such a rude manner? Turn the tide and be kind to the people around you.

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Challenging the powers that be will backfire. You have to play by the rules to get a seat at the table. At that point, you can gradually propose a series of changes that will empower the rest of the team. It will take time and perseverance to meet your goals. Be patient. Even if you have your own business, you won't be able to defy certain laws that hinder your expansion. Accept the limitations that have been imposed on you.

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You have a different philosophy from most people. As a result, you feel out of touch with the status quo. Usually, that's not a problem. You enjoy being original. It's hard not to take it personally when you're left out of certain groups and parties. Before getting angry, find ways to get involved with people who share your beliefs. Even joining an online community can be empowering. Whenever you need a pep talk, there will be peers available to support you.

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A temptation to go to extremes should be avoided. Although you're rightfully angry, this doesn't give you license to hurt others. Pour your energy in a more positive direction. Brisk exercise, detail oriented artwork and demanding chores are all good distractions. Once you've finished work, your emotions will be under control. You'll realise the best revenge is living well. Never let your enemies think you are suffering because of them.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Intimacy can be frightening. Instead of pushing your best friend or romantic partner away, ask for their help. Being vulnerable takes courage. It means putting your pride aside for the sake of the relationship. By putting faith in your loved one, you will be pleasantly surprised. Having someone patiently listen to your fears will be empowering. Instead of feeling ashamed and scared, your confidence will rise. Soon, you'll be able to defeat the challenges ahead.

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If you have special dietary needs, don't expect others to satisfy them. Whether you're eating at a friend's house or dining at a restaurant, there are limits to what a chef can prepare. Instead of complaining, be as gracious as possible. If you can't enjoy anything that is prepared, politely explain why. Chances are you will receive a sincere apology. If you are met with hostility, rise above the fray. Someone who admires your restraint will come forward to compliment you.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A bold risk will backfire. You don't have anyone to blame but yourself. Big losses like this are the price you pay for trying to defy the odds. You might not change your behaviour based on this setback. That's fine. As long as you're willing to accept the consequences, nobody can fault you. If innocent people are being harmed by your actions, it's a different story. Don't gamble with money that can be used to support your family. Your first priority should be to their welfare.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your family is different from others. As a result, you won't be included in certain events. This is a bitter pill to swallow, but you'd rather be authentic. Blending in with the crowd has certain advantages, but it dampens your spirit. Make it up to your nearest and dearest by arranging special outings. By celebrating your close ties, the group will stay together through challenging times like these. If one of your relatives wants to exercise their independence, give them your blessing.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's hard for you to connect with other members of the team. Everyone seems so dreadfully conventional. You aren't interested in replicating an old formula; you want to try something different. Unfortunately, that won't be possible now. Everyone is trying to meet a deadline. Trying to reinvent the wheel at this stage of the game will be a waste of resources. Keep your disappointment to yourself and be a team player. You'll have a chance to innovate later, when time is on your side.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Falling prey to impulse spending will get you in trouble. It's important to conserve your resources. Being able to pay for emergency repairs or medication will keep stress at bay. If you've been thinking about buying an expensive gadget, wait until there is a sale. There's nothing worse than paying full price when you could have benefitted from a significant discount. Be patient and scour the Internet for last minute sales. These usually offer the best deals.

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