
Stop being such a killjoy. Although it's admirable to do lots of work, it isn't always necessary. Instead of trying to demonstrate your worth through constant toil, give yourself permission to have fun. Spend some quality time with your nearest and dearest. There's nothing weak about enjoying the pleasures of home. The most successful people understand the relationship between work and play. Don't make the mistake of sacrificing your personal life for professional prominence. You'll fare much better at work when you're happy at home.

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A stuffy teacher thinks there is only one way to learn about a subject. Humour them. By pretending to agree with their limiting beliefs, you'll gain valuable knowledge. Once you have mastered these lessons, you will work with a more rewarding instructor. Beware of betraying details about your personal life to a newcomer. Behind their friendly smiles beats the heart of a manipulator. They'll use this information to make you look foolish or desperate. It's better to keep your own counsel.

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Debt feels like a heavy weight on your shoulder. Rather than treating your bills like a burden, treat them as a gift. People believed in you enough to give you credit. Thanks to their faith, you have been able to acquire very nice things. The longer you deprive yourself of the things you love doing, the harder it will be to lead a fulfilling life. There's no truth to the belief that worthy people must sacrifice happiness. Joy is an indication that you're on the right path.

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Your best friend or romantic partner is afraid you will put yourself in harm's way. Stop telling them about your plans. The less they know about your adventurous intentions, the happier you both will be. Make a bold change with your appearance. People underestimate your abilities. They don't understand that, despite your kind heart, you are one of the strongest leaders around. This gives you a hidden advantage over the competition. Use it. Lull your enemies into a sense of wellbeing and then make a power play.

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You don't feel strong enough to take on a heavy responsibility. It's time to move past these limitations. Take better care of your health. Cut back on fat, alcohol and sugar. Become more active. Establish a restful bedtime routine. Your health will improve. Retreating from public view will help you regain your strength. Stop making the round of parties and spend time alone on soothing creative hobbies. Soon, your energy will be replenished. You'll feel stronger than ever before.

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If your favourite hobby feels like a chore, take a break from it. Engage in another creative pursuit. Allow yourself to be a beginner and have fun with it. Whether you're dabbling with paint or practicing piano, your enthusiasm for life will come flooding back. Go to a party, even if it's inconvenient. You'll have a wonderful time rubbing elbows with people who share your interests. If you're looking for love, you will find it with someone whose laugh is infectious.

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Your relatives are jealous of your success. That's why they are always giving backhanded compliments. They think if they keep belittling your progress you'll become discouraged and quit. They obviously don't know you very well. Instead of seeking their approval, you'll obey your instincts. Putting your creative talent on display will pay off handsomely. People admire your work and will give you the most coveted jobs in the field. That's what happens when you're the best member of a gifted group.

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Negative feedback cuts you to the core. It's hard to forgive these nasty remarks. You've worked hard to produce good work. It's only natural that anyone who disparages it makes you angry. Before letting your rage spiral out of control, so dome reflecting. An opportunity to mentor someone who admires you will be therapeutic. You'll appreciate their admiration for your gifts. In addition, it will make you proud to pass along your advanced knowledge to someone who truly values it.

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There isn't enough money to do what you want. This is only a minor problem. You'll quickly accumulate the wealth you desire once you stop obsessing over things you can't buy. Concentrate instead on all the cards that are in your favour. Your animal magnetism is hard to resist. If you are in the mood for love, you'll have your choice of admirers. Pick the one that makes you laugh hardest. You'll make a great team, thriving in both good times and bad.

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A discouraging attitude makes you unpopular. Rather than listing all the reasons a project will go wrong, look for aspects of the idea that are promising. If you throw your weight behind a proposal, others will find merit in it, too. Being a supportive partner will help you unexpectedly. At the very moment when you are forced to deal with an insurmountable task, someone will come forward to help you. That's what happens when you stop thinking in terms of self-interest.

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You're tired of being thrust into the shadows all the time. Someone with far less talent is taking credit for your contributions. It's time to make this stop. By claiming your rightful place in the spotlight, you'll attract bigger and better work assignments. Devoting more time to healthy pursuits is strongly advised. Instead of sitting behind a desk all day, take regular walks. Moving your body will keep your creative juices flowing freely. It will also stop you getting physically and mentally rigid.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're being judged by the company you keep. Having too many narrow-minded people around you is driving progressive types from your door. It's time to become more vocal about your positions, even when they cause dissent. You have no intention of abiding by a set of stuffy rules. You attract admirers like a flower draws bees. If you already have a partner, they'll be reminded what a desirable creature you really are. Let your amour lavish you with gifts, compliments and affection. It's nothing less than you deserve.

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