
Your ability to think on your feet makes you a strong asset to your employer. Unlike many of your colleagues, you can be depended upon in an emergency. When an unusual situation arises, you don't run for the rule book. Instead, you devise an efficient plan for dealing with the problem. Such intrepid behaviour deserves a reward. If your boss heaps you with praise, ask for additional annual leave. Kind words are nice, but a material demonstration of gratitude is even better.

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An opportunity to improve your financial situation is here. Be sure to accept a steady job. This position won't be glamorous, but the pay is good. You can probably negotiate an even higher salary than the one initially offered. By regularly putting a percentage of your pay into savings, you will build a substantial economic cushion. Are you deep in debt? This is your chance to satisfy your bills and attain fiscal freedom. That's a very big deal in today's market.

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You're determined to get your agenda met, even if it means being loud and difficult. The prospect of creating friction does not bother you at all. You'd rather put people in an uncomfortable position than accept their inflexible position. By stirring up enough publicity, you could exert enough pressure to create some changes. A new set of rules will allow you to move forward with a brilliant plan. You'll get the full support of an influential executive who is tired of the old guard.

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Sneaking off to a quiet place will be restful. You're tired of being at everyone's beck and call. Take some time off work and enjoy a break. Turn off your mobile, stay away from the computer and avoid the televised news. Once you get used to the peace and quiet, you'll be able to breathe deeply. Enjoy a relaxing nap, a home cooked meal or a soak in the tub. Work on a creative project you had to abandon for lack of time. Listen to your intuition. It knows best.

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Spending time with a large group of people will be good for you. You're getting rather weary of bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders. When you work with a team, you can rely on friends to come to your aid. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed. Projects requiring lots of attention to detail are especially frustrating. You're great at understanding the big picture, but when it comes to small steps, it's best to rely on a trusted friend for assistance.

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Your desire for fame and acclaim will prompt you to make a dramatic change. Altering the way you communicate will cause others to sit up and take notice. In the past, you were reluctant to engage in confrontations. Now you're ready to go to battle with critics and detractors. Slowly, people's disbelief will turn to respect. You will emerge as one of the most talented people in the group. Hiding your light under a bushel has held you back. It's time to step into the spotlight.

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This is a good time to start making improvements. Moving with the times will attract young members, keeping the group vibrant and relevant. Some of the more staid members of the community will resist your attempts to change the rules. Stay calm in the face of their opposition. By emerging as the voice of reason, you'll get the majority's support. Eventually, traditionalists will get the hang of the new method. At that point, they'll grudgingly admit your way is better.

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It's important to express your feelings to the person closest to your heart. Keeping your feelings bottled up will lead to disaster. In the past, you had difficulty being honest with this loved one. They weren't willing to hear some painful truths. Much has changed since that time. You've learned to adopt a more diplomatic approach. Your amour has been better about staying calm during stressful situations. Together, you can tackle problems with strength and maturity. The key is to trust one another.

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Working with a partner will be stimulating. It's good to have someone who fuels your enthusiasm. Taking a creative risk won't be easy, but it will be fun. It isn't healthy for an adventurous person like you to play it safe all the time. Pursuing a childhood dream will take money, time and careful planning. Listen to a friend's advice about preparations and gather the necessary materials before embarking on this journey. There's no sense putting yourself at a disadvantage from the outset.

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Your mind is like a steel trap. It will be easy to satisfy all your responsibilities and have time left over for fun. Resist the temptation to do more work in your spare time. If you don't strike a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives, you will suffer from burnout. Taking some exercise will be refreshing. You can greatly benefit from hiking, biking or jogging. Even a brisk walk through a beautiful area of town will help you wind down from a busy day.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're tired of being saddled with work. Take the day off and have some fun. Visit a beautiful park, garden or forest. Communing with nature restores your equilibrium. If you're in love, you may prefer to sneak off to a private hideaway with your amour. Let your romantic partner pamper and pet you. As a general rule, you shun physical displays of affection. Let down your defences and enjoy a good cuddle. You may not realise it, but gentle touching has a therapeutic effect.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your attention is needed at home. Don't neglect a small repair project. The sooner you get this problem fixed, the more financially secure you will be. The last thing you want is to shell out a lot of money on a situation that has spiralled out of control. If you're short of cash, a generous relative can help you with the bills. You'll be able to repay them once a cheque from a tax refund, insurance settlement or royalty payment arrives.

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