
If you're going to make progress, you should retreat to a quiet place where you can hear yourself think. Normally, you enjoy being surrounded by lots of activity. It's fun fielding questions while working on a variety of jobs. The project you're currently tackling requires intense focus. Hang a 'do not disturb' sign on your door, turn the ringer off your mobile and stay away from groups converging around the water cooler. There's lots of money at stake. Do whatever you can to increase your chances for success.

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Having common values strengthens your bond with a friend. When you feel discouraged by setbacks, don't hesitate to reach out for support. Being around a person who understands your feelings will be reaffirming. Instead of wondering what you did to deserve this bad behaviour, you'll become righteously angry. At that stage, it will be easy to brush off your disappointment and move in a healthier direction. Stop feeling compelled to maintain alliances with people who continually betray you.

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A career involving creativity, intuition and imagination is within reach. Instead of following a conventional professional path, try something more exciting. Friends and relatives will discourage you from taking a risk. Ignore their well-intentioned warnings. You'll quickly surpass everyone's expectations. Are you already happy at work? You will be asked to preside over a fundraiser. Your extensive connections will make this a super social event. No matter what cause you are championing, you can organise a fun event around it.

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Adopting a spiritual practice will be rewarding. Take this opportunity to join a group devoted to your interests. Mixing with people who share your beliefs and values will be empowering. It's not appropriate to discuss these ideas in mixed company, so having a social group that is centred around these issues will be liberating. You'll enjoy being able to speak freely with these fellow travellers. There's even a chance you'll go on a pilgrimage with a few of these friends.

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You're extremely charismatic. If you're looking for love, you won't lack for admirers. Choose an accomplished partner who enjoys a rewarding career. You're not the type who wants to spare every spare moment with your amour. Having separate interests will strengthen your relationship, not detract from it. Do you have a partner? Go to a glittering social occasion together. You'll both enjoy making the rounds as a power couple. Be sure to wear something special to this party; you'll want to be camera ready.

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Teaming up with someone who seems to be your opposite is a smart strategy. You're highly adept at dealing with little details, practical matters and communications. Working with a highly creative individual will further your success. Be receptive to trying new ways of approaching business projects. The conventional method has limited rewards. By adjusting your technique, you'll achieve heights you never thought possible. Don't be so quick to dismiss suggestions as fanciful. Sometimes the most whimsical ideas are the most effective.

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Adopting an idealistic approach towards work isn't naive, it's a recipe for success. Instead of being willing to make decisions by committee, be more assertive. Advocate for a highly creative approach that sets your project apart. Rather than trying to satisfy a huge group of people, envision your ideal client, customer or patient. Having a specific audience in mind will make your job much easier. Turn a deaf ear to critics who claim you're being too fanciful. If you can conceive an idea, you can achieve it.

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A romantic interlude will make you feel like you're walking on air. You'll enjoy getting lost in your amour's arms. Make a promise not to check work messages or social media while you're together. The last thing you want is to be distracted from what is truly important. Are you single? You'll meet someone special while taking a relaxing holiday. Someone you ask for directions may offer to show you the place themselves. Accept this generous offer; you will hit it off beautifully.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Spending time at home will be relaxing. Although you enjoy going out with friends, having an active social life can take a toll on your financial health. Save money by enjoying some domestic pursuits. When gardening, cooking and DIY projects pale, you can always invite friends over for a card game or movie marathon. It will be easy to have fun when you're in familiar surroundings. This could be the beginning of a trend. Instead of hitting expensive restaurants and clubs, you'll prefer staying in.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You have strong psychic abilities. Trust your intuition when it tells you to ignore logic. You'll be pleasantly surprised. People don't always react sensibly to pressure. This will allow you to take advantage of a rare opportunity. Joining forces with a professional will see your own star rise. Normally, they wouldn't associate with a beginner. That's not the case now, when a turn of events will make them more open to new experiences. Working as an intern, assistant or volunteer will be incredibly rewarding.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're not especially materialistic, but you do understand the value of money. Making a good living will give you the resources to enjoy the activities you love. If you can't stand the thought of taking a regular job, think about starting a business from your home. Whether you're walking dogs, editing manuscripts or organising parties, you'll be doing work you enjoy on your own terms. You're too independent to work well for a small-minded executive. Forge your own path, even if it means taking risks and some uncertainty.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You have a compelling urge to expand your horizons. Leaving a familiar situation to travel, study or write will be stimulating. Cautious friends will claim you are making a terrible mistake. They'll urge you to remain in a position that is dull but predictable. That simply won't suit you. You'd much rather take a risk and incur losses than get bogged down by boredom. Don't be surprised if you're offered a great job at a cultural or educational institution after relocating to a stimulating neighbourhood.

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