
Abandon yourself to love. You don't need to spend a lot of money to have a wonderful time with your amour. Stay in and cook a delicious meal together. Alternatively, you can take a big picnic to your favourite beauty spot. If you're single, you'll meet someone special at a game, concert or play. Be ready to make the first move on the object of your affection. Don't let them slip through your fingers; this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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Spending time with family is gratifying. It feels so good to be with people who love you unconditionally. Even when you disagree with relatives, you're all able to laugh about it. This is a great time to treat everybody to a fun outing. Beware of changing your mind about plans at the last minute. People are counting on you to fulfil a promise. You satisfy your own desires later, when it won't inconvenience the group. A great idea will keep.

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An embarrassing secret will come to light. Don't make excuses for your bad behaviour. Simply admit the error of your ways and ask for forgiveness. It will take people a long time to get over their disappointment, so keep your distance. Spending time with upbeat friends will keep this matter in perspective. Everybody makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and change. Remember this the next time someone disillusions you. It is possible to forgive and forget.

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It's not the end of the world if you don't gain admission to an exclusive society. There is a place for you, just not with this organisation. Keep your eyes open for other opportunities. Someone with your offbeat sensibilities will feel comfortable with fellow rebels. A lucrative job is calling your name. Apply for it as soon as possible. Your attractive portfolio, combined with enthusiastic references, will help you easily land this position.

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Your star power overwhelms everyone but your boss. Don't press your luck with your employer. If you want to take a holiday, put in a request for time off before booking your trip. You're undeniably talented, but you must obey the rules. When it comes to your love life, everything is coming up roses. This is a great time to make the first move on the object of your affection. If you have a partner, show your devotion with a passionate letter.

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A law will keep you from doing what you want. Don't panic. There is a way to get what you desire, but you must be patient and kind. Being respectful to an official will pave the way to a solution. Projecting an air of calm is the best way to diffuse a tense situation. If you catch yourself feeling tired or aggravated, step away from the situation and take deep breaths. A brisk walk can be therapeutic. It will help put things in proper perspective.

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This isn't a good time to engage in retail therapy. You're better off keeping your hard-earned money in the bank. Don't worry; there will be other opportunities to splash out on luxuries. Right now, you should err on the side of being resourceful. Friends will take your mind off feelings of deprivation. Get together for a movie marathon and some nibbles. You don't need to spend a lot of money to have fun. Ironically, the sooner your mood lifts, the faster prosperity will flow into your life.

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A contract will end abruptly. What seems like a disaster is a blessing in disguise. Instead of obsessing what you will do next, go outside. Head for a beautiful spot where you can hear yourself think. A brilliant idea will occur while you're relaxed. Attending a glamorous party is a great idea. Wear something special to this event, because all eyes will be on you. Don't be surprised when you're offered a wonderful career opportunity. One of the guests needs an employee with your charisma.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your health could suffer from taxing it with rich food and intoxicating beverages. Opt for fresh produce, lean proteins and whole grains instead, supplemented with lots of water. You'll get a burst of energy that distracts you from your favourite vices. Instead of wanting to numb your feelings, you'll be inspired to expand your horizons. Check a travel website for discount packages on plane tickets and hotel rooms. You will find a great deal that allows you to travel in style on a budget.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Spending time with your favourite person makes you forget all your problems. It's easy to abandon yourself to love with this attentive admirer. These romantic interludes relieve anxiety and make you much more relaxed. Even the biggest irritants in your life seem relatively small. If you're single, beware of taking things too fast with a new lover. If this relationship is going to last, you must take things slow. Get to know each other before making a serious commitment.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Let your personal life trump your professional one. Spending quality time with your amour will remind you of what's important. Although it's nice having a job you enjoy, work should never be your sole focus. If you're overdue for a break, book a holiday now. If you're unemployed, try not to be anxious. Concentrate on enjoying your time away from the workforce. Make a list of things you rarely enjoy while you're busy and then do as many of these activities as possible.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're on a fact-finding mission. It's best to listen more than you speak. Before long, people will forget you are there and will let down their defences. This will allow you to learn some top-secret information. Don't share this news with anyone else. Having advanced notice of a job opening will give you an edge on the competition. Landing this position will be both financially and emotionally fulfilling. You'll love being paid to be creative, inventing new ways to meet people's needs.

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