
Leave others to indulge in way out wacky dreams and wishful thinking while you get on with the practical stuff! You're strongly tempted but it isn't a good idea to commit yourself to risky exploits or dare devil schemes. Even if you feel a twinge of dissatisfaction about having to stick with everyday commitments, taking a risk won't necessarily help to improve your lot. Impulsive action will get you into a lot of bother and could cause some humiliation.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You've had some fantastic ideas of late and now the time for action has arrived. There's more scope to experiment, stretch your mind and enjoy new activities. Versatility may not always be your strong suit, but you can become more flexible with effort as you will be proving now. Other people are finding your open minded attitude rare and refreshing. You have a need to shine and to be appreciated. Reassurance from friends and loved ones that you're doing the right thing will cause your confidence to soar.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You need to stand up for yourself now as you may be particularly vulnerable to an older person's manipulations. If you're satisfied with the status quo, why give your approval to ideas to divert from the path you are on? Continually trying to please someone is not the only way to gain their approval. They will respect assertiveness and your opinions count too. So if you're happy with current conditions let others know it. After all, why make unnecessary changes?

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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What's told to you today will be totally without duplicity so don't go looking for deeper or hidden meanings. Any signs of suspicion or scepticism from you will put others on the alert and they will stop being so honest and open. Your help in organising a project or event in your community will mean a lot to others involved. Their admiration of your past achievements might seem exaggerated but there is nothing false in what they say. In all areas just accept that what you hear is the truth and nothing but the truth!

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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This could be a more cheerful and carefree day if you avoid rocking the boat with someone special. Pride could stop you from admitting to a recent mistake; this won't go down well in a close relationship. Your dilemma is made much more difficult because you've recently placed your trust in the wrong person and you feel as if you've been disloyal to a loved one. Arrogance will be your downfall. The best way to resolve the issue and smooth things over is to apologise and start afresh.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Your bravado and willingness to take a risk will bring a new and invigorating phase of growth. You have immense vitality and purposeful ambition. New ideas are starting to take shape and you will feel proud to have been involved in the planning stages. Now you've got the chance to turn thoughts into practical accomplishments, you can show others how good you are at your job. A marvellous career or community opportunity could present itself as a result of these activities. Prepare to burst into flower!

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A competitor has picked up information or material which should have been kept confidential. Secrets are coming out in the open. A hint dropped here and a whisper heard there will make it obvious someone knows something they shouldn't and they're proud of it. You don't need to be psychic to know this will lead to unavoidable strife. What you may not realise is how much you can do to keep the situation calm. You always find rows disturbing and you have it well within your power to sow the seeds of harmony.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Entertaining out of town guests could be more fun than you imagined. Hosting a get together or a party is a great way for you to express love for your relatives and gratitude for your friends. In your work or social life you could find yourself in the spotlight for your contributions to a group project. Don't be modest. You deserve all the praise that's coming your way so step up and take a bow! An opportunity that once captured your imagination has resurfaced and this time you will get the necessary support to pursue your interest.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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If a travel plan has to be put on hold, don't get annoyed about it. It could work out you are desperately needed closer to home and this delay will be a blessing in disguise. On the face of it, something you hear that's recently happened sounds rather worrying. This situation can actually be put right very easily. Avoid exaggerating problems and take a cool, realistic approach. Today is a test of your benevolence; don't let the universe down!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You won't be keen on action for action's sake but you will put in the effort if it might lead to some useful results. You could reap worthwhile benefits by making good use of your innate talents. Be open to new ideas and don't be reluctant to abandon one course of action if another seems more sensible or appealing. You may not have expected to enjoy such a productive day but life has some interesting surprises up its sleeve for you! You could discover you have a flair for creative self expression.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your concern is triggered by the plight of someone who is receiving treatment they don't deserve. A strained atmosphere is thanks to an unfair share of demands or duties being piled onto one person while others get away with doing nothing. A senior colleague or official's behaviour is far from fair and you won't stand by and watch while unreasonable demands are made on those who can't stand up for themselves. Expressing controversial opinions in an official setting could provoke someone you've always had a lot of respect for but you won't let this put you off.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Issues with your partner seem to tug at your heart at regular intervals; you can't seem to do right for doing wrong. Innocently discussing the personal details of the life you share with another will upset your partner. You need to respect that matters a loved one feels should remain strictly between the two of you should not be discussed with anyone. So no matter how close a friend might be don't confide in them! If you aren't involved in a relationship, you soon could be, thanks to a matchmaking friend.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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