
Doing the work of three people will make you unpopular among colleagues. Unless you slow your pace, you'll put their jobs in jeopardy. That may not seem like a big deal now, but it will when you need their help. If you continue to excel at the assignments that have been given to you, you'll get a promotion. Are you unemployed? Stop applying for jobs at the top of the pay scale. You'll fare better if you seek a mid-level position with growth potential.

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You're having a wonderful time, but all good things must end. Tear yourself away from an attentive partner, an engrossing hobby or a relaxing holiday. Your help is needed at work. If you've had trouble landing a job, it's because you haven't launched a serious search. Devote two hours each day to sending out applications, getting an advanced degree or acquiring marketable skills. Establishing a routine will greatly improve your prospects of landing a steady position that pays well.

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Don't let your family have too much influence over your personal life. If certain relatives dislike your choice of romantic partner, you should throw your support to your amour. That's unless your relationship is toxic or abusive. In that case, your kin has every right to complain. Chances are their disapproval is rooted in personal prejudice. In that event, you have to take a stand. Trying to have one foot in each camp simply will not work. Cast your lot with the one who has captured your heart.

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Someone will ask for your honest opinion, but you'll get in trouble when you offer it. No matter how constructive your comments are the recipient will be angry at getting anything less than a rave review. Therefore, it will be best to give a noncommittal response. Don't be pressured into offering feedback. You have high standards and will not lower them for the sake of sentiment. The only way to protect your reputation is to avoid this encounter altogether.

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Money won't solve all your problems. A loving partner or youngster who feels neglected doesn't want an expensive present. They desire quality time with you. Rearrange your schedule for their sake. Instead of planning an outing that appeals to your interests, arrange a treat that is geared towards theirs. Resist the temptation to yawn or complain. One of the things that make a great friend is an ability to put personal desires aside for the sake of another's pleasure.

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You have no intention of carrying out the plans your family has for you. Instead of pursuing a certain career, you'll strike in a different direction. Finding a job that draws on your intellectual gifts will be rewarding, but it won't make you popular. Prepare to hear some harsh criticisms. One of your relatives may threaten to withdraw financial support. Don't let that stop you from realising your dream. If you've always wanted to live overseas, make arrangements to do so.

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Failing to develop your creative abilities is a terrible waste. Even if you have a respectable job, you still should take time from your busy schedule to write, paint or play music. If you have a hard time forcing yourself to stop work, sign up for a class. It will be easier to focus on new things if you have a set appointment on the calendar. Studying with a talented teacher will help you reach heights you never dreamed possible. Don't resist their attempts to push you.

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Working with a large group has been exhausting. You have no interest refereeing battles. Spending all your energy on this project has undermined your financial security. Now you're afraid of going your own way, not wanting to lose what little you've gained. Break away now, while you still have other options available. It will take a long time to establish financial security, but at least you'll be doing work you enjoy. Having a greater measure of autonomy will cause your creativity to soar.

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Focusing all your energy on your career has skewed your thinking. There are more important things than getting ahead. You are the type of person who needs strong friendships to thrive. Therefore, it's important for you to spend time on social pursuits. Continuing to skip parties and celebrations will anger your loved ones. Nobody likes to feel like they come second all the time. As a result, you have to pull back from professional obligations and return to the party circuit.

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Your superior knowledge is worthless unless you can share it with others. Take this opportunity to train some newcomers. Deep down inside, you are afraid of what will happen if others become proficient at your specialities. Push these fears aside. You'll benefit from having helpers. You must admit it is a pain being at the constant beck and call of your superiors. Make sure you're not the only person who can fix problems when they arise. Once this pressure is lifted, you can acquire new skills.

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Beware of putting too many purchases on a credit card. Although you enjoy expensive gadgets, they can get you in financial trouble. It's better to live within the confines of a sensible budget. If this means working with older models, so be it. If you've hit your credit limit, it's time to make some important changes. Consolidating your debts, getting a second job and declaring bankruptcy are all options worth exploring. Don't let pride get in the way of improving your money situation.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Continually deferring to a loving partner, business contact or best friend could cause resentment. You have to be more aggressive. Sharing your needs will create a stir at first. Your friend isn't used to taking your opinion into account. The sooner this problem is rectified, the stronger your relationship will become. Contrary to what you might think, a strong bond requires equal participation. Stop letting others assume the leadership position all the time; it's making you both miserable.

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