
You're starting to take a closer look at your subconscious. Knowing what really motivates you can be helpful in the months ahead. You're getting ready to break away from an oppressive relationship or organisation so you can spend more time by yourself. Although this prospect is terrifying, it will be less scary if you know what sort of reward to give yourself for taking the plunge. Maybe it's time to treat yourself to the car you've always wanted.

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Trust your instincts when dealing with a diverse group of people. You need to use different methods to inspire various individuals. Some respond well to flattery, while others enjoy vigorous debates. One thing is certain: The only way you'll reach your goals is with the help of a big team. You don't have the technological expertise to launch a website or access sensitive information. With this in mind, you need to make some friends who can further your aims.

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Developing the idea for an invention will help you achieve the prominence you desire. If you don't have any brilliant brainwaves, pay careful attention to your thoughts as you go through the day. If you catch yourself thinking, 'I wish there was some device that would help me do this kind of work,' you're on to something good. Identifying a need is half the battle in creating a timesaving mechanism. Keep pencil and paper nearby so you can jot down any bright ideas.

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An interest in an exotic culture could prompt you to take a long distance trip. You're eager to get a change of scenery. Of course, you'll have to make arrangements before you leave. Find someone responsible to look after your home and pets while you're away. If you're not sure whom to employ, ask friends for recommendations. You may want to learn a few key phrases in a foreign language to ease your travels. Check out some language tapes from the library.

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Very strong emotions could prompt you to risk everything you have for a few minutes of physical pleasure. You need to be careful about such impulses. While you have deep respect for your instincts, it doesn't justify hurting innocent victims. You should also consider how a brief fling will undermine your friendship with the object of your affection. Yes, you have a strong bond now, but that will fall apart after you jump into bed together. As far as you're concerned, there is no such thing as casual sex.

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An unusual relationship forces you to loosen your grip on the one you love. The object of your affection needs lots of freedom to pursue their career. If you aren't willing to loosen your grip, problems will ensue. Single? You may need to re-examine your attitude towards partnerships. Although you're always curious to know what your loved ones think, it's not necessarily a healthy impulse. Allow a little mystery to colour your relationships, especially the romantic ones.

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A nagging health problem won't be solved with conventional methods. You need to go to a holistic healer to find relief. If a practitioner draws up a nutrition or exercise program, follow it to the letter. It may require a drastic change in lifestyle, but if it stops a flare up it's worth it. Don't share your regime with narrow minded people who are suspicious of change. The last thing you need is to have a cynic's attitude rub off on you.

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Experimenting with a new art form can be really fulfilling. Don't let high tech gadgets deter you from trying graphic design, film editing, or music composition. You have a strange affinity for electronics right now. If you're looking for love, think about joining an Internet dating service. Be sure to create a compelling profile that gets lots of responses. The bigger the pond, the more fun the fishing will be. You have a weakness for glamorous rebels.

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This is a good time to rearrange your home in some significant way. It may be necessary to switch bedrooms as a means to get a more restful sleep. Alternatively, you might have to get your abode soundproofed to guard against noisy neighbours. If your home doesn't get enough sun, install some full spectrum light bulbs; you'll be amazed by how much better you feel. Does your place get too much light? Spring for some heavy drapes so your eyes can get some relief.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're unusually restless now, yearning to leave familiar surroundings for greener pastures. Instead of leaving your job or dumping your lover, take a challenging class instead. Learning a new language or mastering a musical instrument will provide you with the intellectual stimulation you crave. You've been blessed with a great brain. Exercising it on a regular basis will stave off your anxiety. There's a difference between studying something because you have to and researching something that genuinely interests you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You've never felt a deep attachment to your possessions. On some level, you wish you could live out of a backpack. If you've acquired lots of junk over the years, maybe it's time to hold a sale. Price everything to move; your primary motivation is to make space, not turn a profit. You can always donate the rest of your stuff to charity. You'll feel marvellously liberated once you clear the clutter from your living space.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Usually, you keep your feelings a secret. Right now you're eager to tell a bully just what you think of their nasty tactics. You'll be amazed at what a powerful effect your words have. That's because people really respect your opinion. If you are seen as opposing them the rest of the gang will follow suit. Try not to let this power go to your head, though. Your influence should be used for good, not evil.

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