
It's easy to lose your identity due to an intense relationship. It's possible a child or lover's demands have become all consuming. At times like this, you need to go out with other people who can lend perspective on the matter. Don't feel guilty about taking time for socialising. Cutting yourself off from the outside world will only put more pressure on your primary bond. Work on widening your horizons today.

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Finding your purpose in life can be difficult if you keep thinking your interests are frivolous. Whether you want to sing, garden or draw is immaterial. The important thing is you treat your passion with the dignity and respect it deserves. These days, it's easy to fall prey to the idea work has to be really unpleasant if it's going to be lucrative. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

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Don't fall prey to someone who claims to have your best interests at heart. You should be especially wary of a person who is trying to convert you to their belief system. Yes, you may feel vulnerable right now, particularly in the light of the fact certain assumptions of yours have been proven wrong. Instead of adopting a whole new philosophy, be content to sit back and re-evaluate life on your own terms.

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Sex can be a delightful means of escape, but it's only a stop gap measure. Eventually, you're going to have to deal with your situation in the cold light of day. If you've been lured into a seductive person's trap, it's time to work your way out. This person may try to commit emotional blackmail on you. Own up to your mistakes, cut these ties, and move on. Otherwise, you'll be stuck in a never ending shame cycle.

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It may feel as though those nearest and dearest don't understand the pressure you're experiencing. Perhaps a thoughtless work partner has piled their jobs onto your desk. Maybe your lover's inconsiderate behaviour is forcing you to put in longer hours. Whatever the situation, it's got to be stopped. Be very specific about how this person's actions have created problems for you. The more straightforward you are, the faster this will get sorted.

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There are very few times in life you'll feel incapable, but this is one of them. Normally, if you're given a job, you'll discover a way to carry it out in a timely, efficient fashion. In this case, however, you've been asked to deal with an utterly impossible situation. It's possible an authority figure passed this job to you, knowing the problems it would present. Don't waste too much time on this project before admitting defeat.

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Contrary to books and movies, love does not have to be a painful journey. It can be quite a pleasant experience, provided you pick a partner who is emotionally mature. In the past, you may have gravitated to people who stirred up drama wherever they went. And while this proved exciting during the beginning stages of courtship, it proved too much trouble in the final analysis. Keep this in mind before embarking on a new relationship.

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If relatives seem to have a hard time treating you like an adult, you need to establish some boundaries. For one thing, it's important to be financially independent from your relatives. Don't ask for loans if you're short on cash; find a second job or improve your skills so you'll attract more lucrative work. In the event you are pulling your weight and your family is still condescending, you need to guard your privacy more closely.

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It may be difficult to find a practical use for all the knowledge you've acquired. This however, doesn't mean your studies were in vain. The fact is you probably picked up valuable skills just by reading books, discussing ideas with your peers, and developing new ways of thinking. Keep this in mind when people tell you your activities are a waste of time. Time is never wasted when it is spent on something you love.

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Developing a realistic attitude about your financial situation is essential. Using credit cards to cover your losses is just a stop gap measure. If you're spending more than you earn, you need to make some lifestyle changes. First of all, start paying off the balances on the accounts that have the highest interest rate. Second, stop putting subsequent purchases on these cards. And finally, cut out luxuries until you're solvent again.

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It's tempting to lull yourself into a sense of complacency, as far as a relationship is concerned. Yes, this person has always been there for you in the past, but that won't always be the case. You've got to honour this person with the dignity and respect they deserve. Taking them for granted will only drive a wedge between you. Take this opportunity to ask about your friend's hopes, dreams and fears. The answers may astonish you.

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You may long for childhood, when you didn't have to decide your own fate. You need to remember that while those times were indeed simpler, they were also fraught with their own sorts of troubles. For instance, you didn't have the power to escape unhealthy environments and toxic people then. Now you are able to do just that. Being an adult means a greater measure of control. That's a gift more precious than gold.

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