
You want to expand your horizons, but mundane chores are keeping you anchored to one place. Try not to resent these obligations. It will be easier to go away later, when your schedule eases. Until then, concentrate on doing the best job possible. A newcomer will get on your nerves with all their questions. By taking the time to train them properly, you'll be able to take an extended holiday. It's in your best interest to be helpful.  

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You'll benefit from a loved one's financial fortune. Having more money will ease your anxieties and help you loosen up. Don't be surprised when the passion returns to an intimate relationship. Your sensual side is always stimulated when your material needs are satisfied. A creative project will fall by the wayside, but you can always return to it after you've enjoyed a few indulgences. Someone will try to make you feel guilty about taking a rest. Stick to your guns.  

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Signing a contract or forming a business alliance is strongly advised. You feel uncertain about your job prospects. Joining forces with a seasoned professional will cause your star to rise. Be willing to defer to your partner's expertise. While you expand your skill set, they'll benefit from your boundless energy and technical knowhow. This will be a mutually beneficial association that could last for years. You'll connect well on the intellectual plane, but will have radically different temperaments.  

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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A surge of energy will prompt you to back away from your desk and move your body. Whether you take a leisurely stroll, hit the gym or play a team sport is immaterial. The important thing is to get some physical activity. Focusing too hard on a project will just give you a headache. It's important to keep the mental, spiritual and physical realms in equal balance. It might be necessary to cancel a few appointments and take some exercise. Go ahead; a sedentary lifestyle is stultifying.  

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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A holiday will be more expensive than you thought. Try sticking to a strict budget. The last thing you want is to come home to a lot of bills. You can have a wonderful time without going to the most expensive restaurants or staying at a posh hotel. If you do rack up a lot of debt, pay it off as quickly as possible. Interest rates have a way of skyrocketing when you least expect them to. Travel should be pleasurable, not stressful.  

Get todays Leo horoscope
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You are secure about the choices you've made, but your family is unhappy. Trying to satisfy them will be an exercise in futility. Don't be defensive when relatives question your choices. You have every right to build a life that reflects your values, needs and ambitions. If you've been thinking about living abroad, this would be a wonderful time to do so. It will be nice getting distance from these critics. You'll also enjoy adapting to a different culture.  

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Taking a course will be intellectually stimulating and lots of fun. You'll enjoy working alongside other talented students who share your love of learning. Don't worry if you have difficulty grasping certain concepts at first. Ask lots of questions make mistakes and continue to do your assignments. Eventually, you'll gain mastery of this subject. Someone will try to begin a rivalry with you, but you're not interested. You're more interested in your own growth than occupying the top spot.  

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Your income is steadily increasing. If you're going to hold on to this money, you've got to stop spending it on friends. Although it gives you great pleasure to help people in need, your first loyalty should be to yourself. Putting a set percentage of your pay into savings will build a nest egg. Your savings will give you the freedom to work where you want, travel extensively and retire early. Keep your distance from opportunists who are always asking for loans.  

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your sparkling personality turns heads. It's a great time to find romance. Steer clear of an intelligent person who likes to argue over insignificant matters. You won't last long with such a nit-picker. Instead, set your sights on a wild rebel. You love their unique outlook, while they appreciate your sense of adventure. If you already have a partner, it would be a great time to take a trip to an unusual destination. You'll enjoy being immersed in a radically different culture.  

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Slow down and smell the flowers. You've been very productive these past few days. Take this opportunity to recharge your batteries. If you keep going from one project to another, you will suffer burnout. A judgmental boss or manager will accuse you of slacking off. Turn a deaf ear to this ignorant remark. You've got one of the best work ethics of anyone. That doesn't mean you should work around the clock. The secret to your success is knowing when to rest.  

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Attending a big party will be fun. You love letting your hair down with people who understand you. Someone who has been mocking your offbeat ways is getting under your skin. You might be surprised to know they have a crush on you. Their constant insults are not impressive. Instead of suffering in silence, tell this pest exactly what you think of their methods. If someone wants to get into your good graces, they'd better be polite. You have no interest in blowhards.  

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Having a satisfying career is important to you. Don't let your best friend or romantic partner undermine your efforts to succeed. They may be threatened by your ambition. It's not your job to make them feel better about themselves. After all, you're able to love them unconditionally. You have every right to expect the same treatment. Pursuing a creative profession is particularly intimidating for ultra-practical types. They don't understand you are talented enough to do it by yourself.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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