
You seem able to sense the moods, feelings and needs of others around you, even people you hardly know. It will surprise you how much you are in tune with the energy of your surroundings. Don't waste this chance to improve friendships and your closest relationships.

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People will take advantage of your kindness. As much as you want to give continued support to a long-term venture it isn't a good idea to take on any more commitments. You need to be sensible and to take precautions to protect your health and well-being.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Give more time to anything that requires imaginative thought. Creative and artistic ventures are a great way to channel your energy. Give free rein to your imagination and you could discover a talent that has been lying dormant.

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You have a lot to think about and it can get overwhelming at times. A practical friend will encourage you to concentrate on what's most important. If you're running late, don't let this fluster you. Travel delays and trying to find a parking space will try your patience.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You've been so involved in helping other people to achieve their aims that you have lost touch with your own thoughts, feelings, plans and ideas. Now you just want to be on your own and you aren't interested in listening to gossip.

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Any chance of resolving a rift between you and a relative you have fallen out with remains remote. The divide between you is as deep as ever. You wish it could be different but your views and opinions differ considerably and neither of you is going to back down.

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You get the chance to change things in a close relationship if this is what you really want. It will be up to you to let a partner know you aren't happy with current plans or circumstances. Your assertiveness may take them by surprise but they would rather you tell them the truth than live a lie.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You need to be serious about your dreams if they are to come true. Believe in your ability to manifest your goals. Set objectives. Establish specific timeframes and you will transform ideas into outcomes when you have a well-defined strategy.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Recognition you have been hoping to receive is at last starting to happen. A respected executive admires your skills and recognises your potential. They are about to make you an impressive offer. You might want to update your wardrobe to look your best if you have been called for an interview.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Some radical changes are necessary if a relationship is going to improve. A heart to heart conversation will enable you to vent your frustration. Your needs aren't being met. A partner feels equally as misunderstood. You both need to prove that you are listening to each other.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A senior colleague is taking more interest in your progress after having passed on a job to you that they found too difficult to handle. Now you have got past a few hurdles they will offer to lend a helping hand. They will also be intending to take the credit for your ingenuity.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Talk to a friend you can trust if you have mixed feelings about an online romance. If you are hoping to meet with each other but something keeps getting in the way, question whether they are hiding something from you. If they are asking you for money, talk to a friend and get their objective perspective.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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