
If you really want to improve your romantic prospects, take constructive criticism to heart. Take note of an old lover's frequent complaint, and do something to reverse it. Gleaning lessons from past relationships will make you more desirable to prospective mates. It's especially important to be open-minded about other people's beliefs. Demonstrating a willingness to learn will impress a powerful person.

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Using your talents to serve other people's needs feels rewarding. You're tired of performing the same routine day after day. By making an effort to perform a random act of kindness each day, you'll attract new opportunities. This is especially important if you want to branch out in an artistic field. Take it upon yourself to beautify a drab common area. Your efforts will win you lots of favourable attention, and possibly a good job.

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Organising a party or fund raiser could be an exciting challenge for you. You love coming up with ways to entertain a variety of people under one roof. If a friend offers to help, don't let them strong arm you into decisions. You're in charge of this endeavour. By making your position clear from the outset, you'll avoid an upsetting scene. Fortunately, most people will be more than willing to follow your lead today.

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You're determined to take better care of your body, but aren't sure how to begin. Start by ridding your kitchen of any junk food. Having all sorts of temptations around is just asking for trouble so clear the cupboards now. It's also a good idea to have a firm aim as to what you want to achieve so set yourself a target and keep it in firmly fixed in your mind's eye. You might also want to invest in some exercise equipment. Fitness begins at home.

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An honest, open conversation with a child is the best way of getting a lesson across. Young people often think that adults have no idea what it's like to be growing up today. By asking them to explain their struggles, you'll get a better grasp of what they're up against. You can also share similar stories from your youth. That way, your rules won't seem so arbitrary. Refuse to cast judgment upon your protegee.

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Talking about finances will help you understand how your own attitudes have been shaped since childhood. You've probably inherited quite a few behaviours from your parents. Alternately, you may be rebelling against your elders' attitudes. Either way, that won't help you achieve the financial contentment you desire. Be honest about where you need help. It is possible to pamper yourself while saving money. It's all about making thoughtful choices with your funds.

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You're determined to get your ideas across to a neighbour, friend, or relative. In the past, this person has turned a deaf ear to your appeals. Today will be different, however, if you change your approach. Take a more forceful stance, and be prepared to issue an ultimatum. Too often, you err on the side of politeness when dealing with others. By exerting some personal power, you'll gain control of the situation.

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You have many different interests, which makes it hard to focus on one career. Nothing says you can't have a side business in addition to your main job. Goodness knows you have the energy to handle two enterprises at once. Make sure, however, that at least one of your ventures speaks directly to a deep passion. Otherwise, you'll feel totally overwhelmed. Finding work that seems like play should be your ultimate goal.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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There's no harm in asking a friend for a favour, particularly if you've always been good to them. Personal contacts have a way of opening new doors today. Gaining entry into an exclusive club or organisation is a distinct possibility; so is making a good impression on a team leader. Whatever your goal, remember that it is best achieved through the assistance of others. Don't make life unnecessarily difficult.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Staying informed is half the battle when dealing with authority figures. If you're going on a job interview, do some research into the company first. This will give you a decided edge over the competition. If you're meeting with your superiors, back up your statements with charts, graphs, and statistics. This will demonstrate that you're willing to go the extra mile to achieve your goals. You appear to be an impressive figure today.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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If someone introduces an unfamiliar concept, ask lots of questions. Otherwise, you'll reveal your ignorance through some small act. Luckily, you've always been a fast learner and can put abstract concepts together quite easily. This talent will gain you a leadership position in an important organisation. Don't be afraid to accept social responsibilities; they bring out the best in you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Turning over a new leaf is the best way to correct a flawed public image. If people have accused you of being a gossip, demonstrate that you are trustworthy. Don't share privileged information with others, no matter how juicy. Refuse to speculate about people's private lives, even if someone else initiates the conversation. This may take practice, but it's worth the effort. Discretion is always admired.

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