
Step back and review any educational, religious, or legal plans. Recent events may force you to change your stance. Don't be ashamed of amending your position, no matter how adamant you were in the past. Admitting you were wrong will win you plenty of admirers. Instead of getting discouraged or angry, consider studying a new subject that will open new worlds to you. A refreshing change is just what the doctor ordered.

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What you needed from past relationships may not be relevant now. Don't cling to old patterns just because they are comforting. Summon your courage and try something new for a change. Your partner may be astonished by your suggestions, but that is only because you're not the type of person to make sudden changes. It may happen that your new plan of action is the best thing that could have happened for your partnership.

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A strong-willed, dynamic person is starting to lose their influence over you. Perhaps your own potential has grown stronger, or maybe you're just tired of being bossed around. This power shift is guaranteed to bring about more responsibilities for you. That's actually a blessing in disguise. It's not safe to entrust somebody else with important decisions. Take charge of your destiny, even if it means moving away from your guru.

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A health regime that was once successful isn't bringing the same great results. That's probably because your body chemistry has changed. Consult a fitness trainer about crafting a new exercise program. If you haven't worked out in a long time, this could be your wake-up call to do so. You can't afford to neglect your body any longer. Start fixing nutritious meals and find a physical activity you enjoy.

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An intense romantic relationship isn't as exciting as it once was. Perhaps you've grown bored of all the drama. A loving person like you needs to know where you stand. You need to give your partner an ultimatum, or deep resentments will start to grow. If you don't have a mate, it may be because you've set impossible standards. Give a nice person a chance to capture your heart, or you'll be very lonely.

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Your domestic life will become less stressful for the next few months, which is a relief. The people who have been stirring up trouble are tired and need a rest. Seize this opportunity to establish healthy patterns within your domestic sphere. For instance, you may want to come down harder on those who refuse to obey the rules. You may even decide to move to a more restful location to preserve your peace of mind.

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Secret communications will die down over the next few months, allowing you to focus on personal plans. This is your chance to make a big move, whether it's taking a trip or going back to class. It's been a long time since you did something to please yourself. Now folks aren't putting such heavy demands on you, it will be easy to suit yourself. Don't let anybody talk you out of a cherished plan.

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You may not be able to earn as much money as you have in recent months, but that's all right. Living within your means isn't that difficult for you. Develop spending strategies that will allow you to save money while indulging in the occasional small luxury. Others who are less responsible will marvel at your ability to make your money stretch. You could even land a great job as a result of these efforts!

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If you feel tempted to relax a program of self-improvement, go right ahead. You can't be too hard on yourself, or your willpower will give out. Relax your high standards and see what happens. You may have trained yourself so well that your good habits remain, despite the temptation to backslide. Angry confrontations will begin to die down, too. All of the sudden, it's not so important to win every argument. Good for you!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Back away from an intense power struggle, or you could lose more than you bargained for. You can't afford to fight with a competitor who doesn't care about the consequences of their actions. It may feel as though you've given up a golden opportunity, but that's not true. Onlookers will admire your ability to keep your priorities straight, and one of them just might reward you for it. Remember, it's always darkest before the dawn.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Hanging out with your friends may not be such an attractive prospect anymore. It's been a long time since you enjoyed solitude; correct this problem as soon as possible. You may be surprised to discover how much you've subverted your own opinions for the sake of your friends. Going off on your own will help you reconnect with your true spirit. See how long you can go without answering your mobile phone today.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Career matters that once seemed incredibly pressing are fading into the background. Spending quiet moments at home with friends and family will help recharge your batteries. Don't worry; you haven't lost your ambition. You've just realised there is more to life than climbing the ladder of success. Go out of your way to repair a strained relationship with a child or young friend. You can't neglect this bond any longer.

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