
Powerful changes are in the air to the extent that events now could have a huge effect upon your daily life. Circumstances that are evolving over the next fortnight could force you to make some drastic modifications, and as long as you do not resist the natural flow of things, the benefits and advantages they will bring to your life could be extremely positive ones. Look to this period as a fresh start - restructure your routine, and organise your schedule to suit yourself - this dynamic period will not last forever so make the most of it.

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The strength of your feelings could be such that you may have no other option than to face them head on. Don't try to hide away from the grip of your compulsive emotions - their purpose is help you know what you really deeply want and so to set your own priorities in life. You may become acutely aware of any relationship or occupation that no longer feels right for you, and the present powerful celestial forces could give you just the fillip you need to let go of them.

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You're about to experience a burst of emotional and physical energy that will herald a crisis point in your life that leads to major changes. It is to your most intimate personal life and the people you share it with that this impulse will be directed, and you are primed and ready to make the differences happen. Total honesty is called for so first look within and see what you think yourself, then consult your loved ones and get their backing. Whatever alterations you then make will have the best chance of succeeding and bettering all your lives.

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The New Moon squared by Pluto heralds a month to come when you must keep up to date with everything a throw away anything that is surplus to requirements.. Your thoughts and plans will go through the mill and via this mental torture, new and interesting proposals could transform your life - if you'll let them. Clear away pending issues to make room for improved prospects. A brake on your hectic schedule could come from mechanical faults so be sure to check timetables and equipment carefully and always have a backup plan to fall back on if possible.

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Your attitude to your personal resources are about to undergo a radical shake up during this New Moon/Plutonian period. You have the expedience and acumen to define and reconfigure the circumstances of your life so that you feel much more secure about yourself and your place in the world. Leos seldom do things by half, so in your rush to show the world exactly what you are capable of, be careful not to make too many drastic changes too soon - steady does it for the best results. The main focus of any trauma will be over money and finance so prepare to battle for your rights.

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The powerful Virgoan New Moon is a precursor of major personal changes over the next few weeks. For some of you, it may seem more like a gale blowing through your lives than a gentle breath of fresh air, but hang on in there, the changes will be worthwhile. It will be easier than ever now to release old outworn attitudes and behaviours, and to replace them with positive new ones, so keep this in mind. Emotionally this can be a testing time, so endeavour to keep cool and not give in to any sudden impulses. Any weaknesses in your home or family affairs will be the final straw over the next fortnight so prepare to make sweeping decisions.

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The extremely potent celestial energies inherent in the New Moon is about to trigger off powerful internal changes affecting your inner psyche. You may be more inclined towards introspection than socialising at present, but this can have eminently beneficial rewards. One possible outcome is that whether it is prompted from an inner impulse, or an outer event, mystical or spiritual teachings could suddenly take on a new depth and meaning for you. In fact, they could become a wonderful source of strength to rely upon in future days.

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You literally can't afford to take chances with your money or economic standing as the coming fortnight is about to reveal some valuable information. You have a strong urge to make a difference to your own future, but as yet you may not have found your true niche. Powerful energies create a vortex now and they have the potential to open up all sorts of options and possibilities for you. Move on with confidence towards the ideals you aspire to. Join in with like-minded people as to put your collective minds to work, you will never look back.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Don't ignore a drama for everything has a reason and to play ostrich means avoiding nothing for in the end it is inevitable. Restrain any critical or captious retorts or a conflict could arise with someone in authority. A woman in particular has it in for you and although she might be nice to your face behind your back she is spiteful and vitriolic. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned springs to mind but you can't afford to 'get even' with her as she holds all the aces. This might be nature's way of moving you on to fresher fields where your gifts and talents would be more appreciated. It's won't be easy to make the break however.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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The New Moon in earthy Virgo prompts you to make extensive efforts to stretch your mind. How you view your world and what you are prepared to do to extend this vista could receive a drastic shake-up by events today. As an example, a sudden impulse to see a far-off land could prompt a quick visit down to your local travel agency, or a chance meeting with someone outside your normal circle could suddenly change a long-held and entrenched view. This has the prospect to be both enlightening and liberating.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Powerful and intense emotional experiences are doubtless incumbent upon the obsessive link between the New Moon and Pluto. Psychologically a lot of baggage will arise from within as you allow deep feelings and desires to be brought to the surface. On the other hand, an abstruse encounter with another person could be the trigger. Either way, the challenge is to free yourself of any unwanted hang-ups or deep-seated desires that are no longer valid or viable to you. Cast your fate to the win and you'll much lighter and unfettered in the process.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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One-to-one relationships - marital and professional - that no longer satisfy you will benefit from a total overhaul. Don't be rash, give the whole issue as much deliberate thought and consideration as it necessitates. If you conclude that you are no longer prepared to accept old unproductive behaviour patterns - from yourself or from other people -this is a good day to make a clean sweep. Changes put into practice now can have a profound effect on your immediate personal life, and on your expectations for relationships in general, so proceed gingerly.

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